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"I'm telling you Mara, you're into the dude." Our conversation since I came back was constantly reoccurring about Lucien, who now, was the talk of the school, besides me. The outcome of the tragic accident of the stranger made news and surprisingly, we made it too. We weren't interviewed by news anchors and reporters, no, just by the School Board of Directors, the OA and my mother, Luke and Cotton reached out to me. I am still in waiting to know if any of Lucien's family reached out to him, by the way he speaks about them gives me a sign of discretion.

Lucien was something else. One minute he would be innocent and vulnerable, the next, he would be fuming with anger. I guess the separation of his parents caused the mood swings, caused him to purse himself in the trenches.

Syl was sitting on the carpet floor next to my bed giving herself a pedicure while I painted my toenails with black nail polish. Since being in year 1, I don't have the choice of deciding whether or not I could undergo night classes, but as a cancer patient, I have any day off from class. Syl on the other had, I don't know what's her story.

The sound of the toilet flushing and water running broke my stream of thoughts. Billie, who also decided to take leave of absence from classes today, walked over to my bed and plopped onto it. They were both watching me intently, waiting for me to confess my feelings toward Lucien. I stopped my actions and glare at both of them.

"Fine!" I threw my hands in the air in surrender knowing that they weren't going to let this go. "Maybe I do have feelings for him...." My voice trailed off as I nervously blushed.

They exchanged satisfied glances, smiling in triumphant.

"What?" I groan, closing the cap of the bottom and placing it on the bedside table. "I know he doesn't feel the same so why confess something that would never happen?"

"Why are you so unwilling?" Syl squints her eyes and I looked over to Billie who just rolled her eyes.

"Mara just admit you like him," she commented and Syl hums in agreement.

They were right, I did like Lucien, more than I care to admit myself. To me it was more than just like him, but they didn't need to know that just yet.

"Please let's not talk about this," I grumble and got up from my crossed position and walked on the heels of my foot to locate my phone, the tank dragging behind me every corner I turned.

"What are you looking for?" Syl asks me.

"My phone. I want to call Lucien to make sure he's okay. Wait, I'm sure he's in Lit right now," I huff and walk out of the room.

"Put on some shoes!" they call out to me but I drown their voices out and shut the door behind me to block out the hushed whispers.

Students hustled across the hallways to their dorms, some to the direction of the library and others out the doors in search of fast food restaurants. Probably lunch time.

The familiar brunette came into view and my eyes widen as the pair of dark brown eyes met mines, a wide grin plastered on his lips.

"Lucas!" I yell over my excitement. I haven't seen him since before he left the state to go Florida and he was, as happy as ever.

I missed him. I wasn't gonna lie, as I felt our brother-sister bond was crumbling down. As he came closer, he hoists me up and twirls me around in a tight hug.

"I missed you dude," I whisper and smile. He ruffles my hair and sweeps it to the side. "I missed you too."

"How was it? How was Florida?" I ask.

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