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Jin and Jungkook entered the said cafe.

Jungkook sat near the front gate, back facing it. And Jin sat a little far and told the worker he needs privacy so they placed curtains.

Kook was checking his phone nervously and time to time checking Jin subtly.

Jin being Jin ordered something to eat. Jungkook was more than nervous to eat something.

After a while he looked at Jin but he was not there. He was wondering where the hell the older went. So he texted.



진 형🍜💙
The food fell on my pant so I'm in the washroom. Don't worry I'm coming.



Meanwhile, Tae just entered the Cafe. Jimin lacing behind him. He stopped at the door to make a guess who could be his baby. Jimin bumped with him earning a death glare from Tae.

"What is the problem if I sat here sweetie?" He saw someone holding a phone up and a slightly short one trying to reach it jumping. He instantly understood what's going on but waited to see if he need to interfere. When he was not moving a muscle Jimin noticed it too.

The man started to touch the boy and the boy was more than uncomfortable. So he couldn't anymore and went to them, took the phone from the man. The man glared at him "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Something better than you" the boy looked at the new voice and froze mumbling inaudible "hyung"

When Tae looked at him he didn't know what to feel. Thousands of question gathering in his head making his eyes red.

The man hold Jungkook by his waist "He is your boyfriend or-". Tae didn't waste a moment and placed a bone-breaking punch on the man's jaw making him fall on the floor "I'm his brother you motherfucker". When Kook stumbled back, he hold him and hugged him close to his chest.

Jungkook was shaking because of all this. Tae patted his hair and asked softly "are you okay?"

Kook nodded shaking. Jin was out that time and saw from where Tae punched that man.

"Why are you here alone? You told me you are going to Jin hyung?" Jungkook's brain stopped working. Jin then answered approaching towards them "He came here with me, I just went to the washroom" and glared at the man.

When Jin started to approach to the man to teach him some more lesson he got up and ran.

"Let's go home" Tae said to Kook and the aforemention boy nodded. Then they walked out of the cafe. Jin and Jimin following while whispering about the situation.

In the footpath something kicked in Jimin's mind "Tae your date?" he whispered and Tae's eyes become wide. "shit I totally forgot. What should I do now? Is he inside or didn't come?" he whispered back. Jimin shrugged not having any idea.

Tae looked at Jin and Jungkook then told Jin he has some business to take care then Jungkook snapped too. He looked at Jin wearily. "Hyung I need to call someone. Can I?"

"Yeah. Go ahead" Then Kook went behind Jin to call.

There position was like- Tae then Jimin then Jin.

Tae took out his phone then suddenly startling him it started to ring. Tae looked at Chim showing the screen "He called" a pink blush made his way to his cheeks. Jungkook looked at them hearing the phone call.

"What tae?! Your phone can ring too?" Jin asked him in disbelief. Tae smiled sheepishly "it was urgent today so ...." and the ringtone went off like this. Kook whispered from Jin's back "he is not picking up". Jimin heard then looked at Kook

Tae's phone ringed again "PICK UP THE DAMN CALL MORON! STOP SQUEALING LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL!!!"  Jimin shouted making all of them flinch.

Tae answered instantly. "Hey baby where are you?"

Jin was looking at Tae with so much question then back at Jimin but then he snapped when he heard something from his behind "I'm outside the cafe."

Jimin heard it too and looked at Jin. Then Tae. Tae was looking surroundings to see where is his baby if he is outside. Jimin mouthed to Jin "something is not right" Jin nodded.

"Me too. Where are you I can't see anyone here" when Jungkook started to look around too the confusion cleared for Jin and Jimin. "The fuck?!" Jimin accidentally said a little loudly. Both Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him. Jin started to panic.

"Something wrong?" Tae asked Jimin and Jin.

"What would be wrong?" Jungkook replied then their eyes met.

Not breaking the eye contact with Kook Tae asked on the phone "Baby"

Kook replied "Yes"

Realisation hit Jungkook like a truck 'it can't be. He is talking to someone else'


Tae laughed bitterly "After all we met Nobita"

A tear escaped from Tae's eyes.

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