40🎂 (kookko's birthday)

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"Why you?" Tae mumbled before turning. Then ran with all his strength. He don't know where he is heading but he just need to do this. Run away. Run away far from everything. Far from the reality.

Jimin stepped wanting to follow but Jin stopped him before he could do that, "Let him be alone a bit". Jimin nodded understanding.

Jungkook sat there at the footpath. His knees were too weak to stand anymore. He just crisscrossed his legs and stared blankly in the space. This was too much for him to take. His brain is too weak to observe this much unwanted information at one time.

He once in a million times never thought it can be turn out like this. Okay he thought that it would be cherry on the top if his daddy - oh god boyfriend looked like his hyung. But he said look like not his brother himself.

His brain was about to explode when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Jin and Jimin sitting each side of him. "Is this a nightmare hyung?" he asked not wanting to believe what just happened. Jin gave him an apologetic look making circle on his back.

"Jimin hyung why did you break up with him..if only you didn't do that this day won't ever come."

"Kookie it's not like that. Whatever we had, we broke up because he had fallen in love with you and I can't even tell you how much he just loves you. I never in my lifetime saw that glimpse of love or whatever you say in his eyes that appears only by mentioning you. Without seeing you are his boyfriend. The Kim Taehyung's boyfriend. "

Jungkook chuckled bitterly. He looked on his lap before saying, "He is my first love"

Jin sighed hearing this. Jin knows how much his unknown boyfriend meant to him. And above all it's his first love. 'Life sometimes takes unbelievably bitter turn' he thought.

"I love him so much. What will I do now.. All this time, I talked to a person and loved only to find he is my own damn brother. Like seriously, this much people in this world and him. Why? What did I do wrong in my life to go through this.."

"Kookie please calm down. We can figure out something" Jimin told him

"What can we do now hyung.. There's no way anymore. It's incest hyu-" he couldn't finish, his breath hitched mentioning that.

Jin was silent all this time, then he decided to spoke, "It's good actually. You know him from your childhood and live in the same house, you guys are also cute together, I think you two will make a nice couple."

Jungkook eyes widened in disbelief. "Do you even know what you are saying hyung?"

"Do you think I'm not sober... See Jungkook you fall for the person you talked, not your brother. So it's not incest in some way. And all the things matter is you love him. You do right?". Jungkook nodded "Yes I-I do"

"So what's the problem being with your love.. I approve you with Tae. Jimin what do you say? "

"H-huh what - oh yeah Jin hyung is right. Kookie if you really love him just love him. He really loves you so much. Don't reject him. I don't think he could take it this time. He will die kookie and I'm not just saying he definitely will. I've been there with him. I know him better than anyone "

"Hyung you love him too. Why are you saying all this?"

"Yes I do. That's why I'm saying this. He loves you way more than I love him. And to me nothing matters more than his happiness. I'm totally okay with you guys together"

"Ah it's so complicated. I think I should drink" Jin and Jimin both smacked his head.


"Jimin go find Tae and I'll take Jungkook to his home. Tell him to go home too. They need to sort this out."

"Yeah. Bye then hyung" with this Jimin saw Jin to head to his car where Kook was waiting.

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