Chapter 4

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Megan stared out the window, watching as a black GMC truck pulled up in the driveway. She had to admit, Tate had a nice looking truck, one of the nicer she had seen in a while. She waited nervously for the knock at the door, trying to busy herself with putting the few dishes she had just washed away.

"Come in." She called at the polite knock on the door and turned just as Tate opened the door and walked in. She had to look twice at the man since he looked different. His hair was cut shorter than the long curls he had had yesterday and she almost smiled. It made him look even better if such a thing was possible.

"Good morning Ms. Brooks." He removed his hat the second he stepped into the house which made her actually smile slightly. He had good manners, despite what she had first thought about him in the grocery store.

"Please, call me Megan. Do you want coffee?" He smiled at her and nodded his head.

"That would be great." She poured him a cup and started to turn around to take it to the table, but he was right behind her, reaching for it. "Do you want some too?" He questioned, holding out his other hand.

"I already have some." She motioned to the table where her half empty cup sat and then motioned for him to follow her to it. "Please sit." He sat across from her and curled his big hands around the cup of coffee in front of him. "Well I suppose you should tell me a bit more about yourself Mr. Simmons."

"Tate." She nodded an acknowledgement to him and then waited silently until he started talking. "I'm a Texan, born and bred. I've been wandering over the states for the last few years now, floating in and out of different jobs. I was born on a ranch and started ranch work when I was old enough to walk and all my jobs since have been in ranches. I'm 26 years old and lookin' for a new job." He smiled and winked at her and she felt her mouth go dry. He sure was a good looking man and was only a year older than her, and she had to look down into her coffee to compose herself.

"You've been drifting for how many years?" She asked next, watching his expression carefully. Something crossed over his features, maybe pain, before he masked it and smiled charmingly at her.

"About 5 years ma'am."

"And why haven't you stuck to a job?" He shrugged.

"Just got the wanderin' bone in me ma'am. Can't seem to stay still." She frowned at that.

"Well why should I hire you then? I don't mean to sound rude Tate but I've just had my cousin walk out and leave me high and dry. As you can see I'm not in much shape to run a ranch by myself. The fact that you might up and leave puts me at more risk. How can I be sure you will stick around and that I can depend on you? I can't hire someone who will take off in two weeks." He played with the coffee cup in his hands for a moment and then took a long sip, before answering her.

"Ma'am I can assure you I won't leave you stranded. My momma taught me better than that and I guess you were right the other day. I am kind of a sucker for a woman in need." He winked and she rolled her eyes a little. He grinned and kept on. "I can't promise you that I'll be here for more than a year, but I can promise you that I'll give my two weeks notice and stay until you have another hand hired. I'm not going to abandon you." Something in his words made her heart clench. It was a while since she had heard that promise and it seemed like everyone in her life did leave her.

"Alright. Next question is how much do you expect to be paid?" She dreaded the answer and stared down into her cup. This was the real problem. She chanced a look up at him to find him looking shocked.

"Ma'am. I expect to be paid however much you think I deserve. I ain't one to be askin' for much and I'm not gonna set a price for you." Relief coursed through her and she nodded.

"Well then I hate to tell you that this ranch is in a real tight spot. I can't afford to hire anyone but it's either that or loose this place and I can't do that either. I can't promise you anything right now and I want you to know that straight up. However you will be paid for the work you do, whether it be as soon as the cows sell, or 3 years down the line. I always repay a debt." He studied her for a long moment and she looked down, afraid that her speech would be the part where he backed out. Finally he spoke.

"I respect that ma'am and I don't ask for much. A place to stay is all I'm askin' in return. Whatever you can afford to pay me is good enough for me and I don't care when I get it. I believe you ain't one to go back on your word." She smiled and nodded, relieved once again.

"Thank you. Your job will include accommodations. We have a small bunkhouse in the back yard. It needs some repair but it should be an easy fix and be ready for someone to stay in right away. You'll also get three home cooked meals a day, I can wash your clothes, clean your bunkhouse and help out with chores." She smiled at him and he smiled slowly back.

"That's more than I ask for ma'am." She nodded and dreaded the thing she had to bring up next.
Tate watched the girl across from him explain what the job would mean. The usual chores of feeding cattle and the horses, fixing fence, cattle checks, repairing broken things around the ranch and all in all, just the usual ranch work. The pay wasn't the best and he would usually throw in the towel at the mention of such a thing, but something in him told him it would be worth it to stay. This girl needed help and he wanted to help her.

"A couple more things that we have to go over before I can decide whether or not to give you the job. My father is one of them." He saw the pain flash through her eyes at the mention of her father and watched as her gaze dropped to her empty cup and she played with the handle of it.

"My father is... well he's not right in the head. He was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and only on his good days does he remember my name." She swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He spoke softly and she nodded her acknowledgment. For some reason, Tate wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, but he shook the feeling off as she continued.

"You have to understand that working with a person with that disease isn't easy. He won't remember who you are, will probably often accuse you of being a robber or something , and he's really stubborn, especially when he gets angry. He might try to do some chores himself but he can't. He also sometimes tries to escape during the night. He doesn't understand the concept of sleep anymore. Or else sometimes, he looks like he has no more life in him than a scarecrow. You have to be prepared to deal with all of this." She looked him in the eyes and he saw the pain there, the glassiness of tears wanting to escape but also the determination to protect her father.

"I understand ma'am. I'll do my best to work with him." She nodded and then sighed.

"One more thing. As you can tell, I'm not the normal ranch worker. However, I'm not helpless and I have my own way of doing some of the chores. I'd like to ask you to stay out of my way and not try to baby me or take over everything. I'm fully capable of a lot of stuff myself." A fire gleamed in her eyes and he felt a slow grin spread across his face and he held up his hands.

"I hear you loud and clear ma'am. I'll stay out of your way. Don't blame me if I try to swoop in and help, that's just how my momma raised me. I'll back off when you want me too though." He grinned at her mischievously and she nodded her head and looked to be fighting back a grin.

"Well Tate, after talking to you, I think I can offer the job. If I don't like your work or any problems arise in the first two weeks then I'll fire you. If I like the way things look, you have a job here for as long as you'll stay." He liked the way she set the rules, making it known who was boss. She may look little and vulnerable  but she had a fire burning deep in her and she wouldn't take nothing from nobody. He liked that in a woman.

"Thank you ma'am." He stood up and held out his hand to her. She shook it firmly. "When do you want me to start?"

"Be here at 9:00 tomorrow morning. I'll show you around the ranch, introduce you to my dad and the horses, then show you the bunkhouse. You can decide what needs to be done with it and get started on that so you can move in right away."

"Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow." Picking up his hat and nodding politely to her, he strode out the door to his truck. It wasn't until halfway back into town that he wondered just exactly what he had gotten himself into. He had a feeling this job might become more than he had bargained for.

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