Chapter 17

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The next few weeks were quiet around the ranch. Both Tate and Megan did their thing, and didn't interact with each other as much as they had been before. Tate was a bit more quite and withdrawn, and Megan found herself worrying more and more that he wanted to leave her. They barely spoke and all affection between them had ceased. Both seemed to be trying to get over the fact that they were alone on the ranch, Megan missing her dad and Tate missing his friend.

"I made one of your favorites tonight!" Megan faked a cheerful voice as she heard Tate walk into the kitchen one evening after chores. She turned and placed the salad on the table, completing the roast meal. Tate smiled weakly.

"It sure does look amazing." Megan felt herself deflate a little at his half hearted comment and tried to tell herself that he was just tired after a long day of ranching. The weather had gotten considerably colder and work was always harder in the winter. After eating half of the supper in silence, Megan decided she couldn't take it anymore.

"Tate are you mad at me?" His head whipped up and he stared at her with eyes full of surprise.

"No ma'am. Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know! It's just that these last few weeks you haven't said more than two words to me in a day. I feel like you are mad at me or are annoyed with my presence. If that's it, then just leave and go somewhere that makes you more happy. I won't be able to manage this all on my own but it doesn't matter. As long as you stop brooding around." Ashamed at her sudden outburst she ducked her head and felt her cheeks go red.

"Megs! I promise you I ain't mad or annoyed and I sure ain't leaving here." She didn't look up at him instead just nodded softly and picked at her food. Suddenly his big hand slid underneath her chin. "I'm sorry you feel this way darlin. Guess I've just been going through a rough patch."

"I understand Tate. I just wish you wouldn't block me out so much. Talk to me instead." Megan had hoped Tate would soften and tell her what was wrong but instead, he studied her face for a moment and then his eyes shuttered.

"I don't need to tell you my life story Megan. Everyone has problems and I'm no different but that don't mean I need to share them with everyone. As long as it doesn't effect my work I don't see why you would care." His cold words stunned her into silence and she sat in shock as he gulped down the rest of his food. The whole evening after he had gone out to his bunkhouse, her mind spun with questions about what she had done wrong.


The next few days, the temperatures dropped dramatically. Megan shivered one morning as she slid out of bed and quickly pulled on her clothes before she froze. She quickly wheeled out to the kitchen to get coffee going to have for when Tate came in from the morning chores. A couple minutes later she heard him come in, stamping his boots and shivering.

"Good morning Tate." She turned with a cup of coffee in her hand and held it out to him. He nodded his head in thanks and took it from her.

"Mornin ma'am." He had started calling her ma'am again rather than Megan or Megs, and she wasn't sure if she should let it bother her or not. He looked angry and she bit her lip, trying to decide whether to ask him what was wrong.

"What's wrong?" She finally asked as she watched him clatter around the kitchen, muttering under his breath now and then. He looked up at her and shrugged.

"When are those cows due to start calvin?" She did a quick calculation in her head, trying to remember when they had put the bull out.

"Middle of March maybe." He swore and shook his head. "Why? What's going on?" She wheeled over to him and laid her hand on his arm. He abruptly shook it off while he slammed down his coffee cup and headed for the door again.

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