Chapter 16

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The next few days passed quickly for Megan. Things started looking better than they had before and she was finally finding peace with what had happened to her dad. She knew deep down that he was better off in heaven then down here, but she did miss him bitterly. Part of what helped her was watching Tate and Cole interact. She liked having Cole around, as he was fun and happy, and most of all he brought out a playful, happy side of Tate she had never seen before. And then there was her and Tate. They hadn't spoke of the kiss that had happened a few nights ago, but they smiled a lot more at each other and seemed to find small ways to brush against each other when they were together. Tate often came in from working and squeezed her shoulder, or gave her an innocent peck on the top of her head. She found herself waiting to see him again when he was outside and getting giddy whenever he was around.

"Well I guess that's the last of my stuff. I sure do appreciate you lettin me stay here." Cole straitened up from where he was bent over the bunkhouse bed, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder and smiling at Megan.

"I loved having you here. You can't imagine how much you helped us out and Tate seemed so much happier with you here." She said as she led the way out the door. She had come over to the bunkhouse to see if Cole needed anything, as Tate had rode out to check some fence in the home pasture. Cole wasn't set to leave for a few more hours and Tate had wanted to get the fence done quick before he left.

"Speaking of Tate, why don't we sit down and have a proper conversation without him. I'd like to talk to you about him." Cole said, mysteriously. Megan frowned a little wondering why he wanted to talk about Tate, but agreed. She maneuvered onto the porch and watched as Cole slung his bag into the truck and then made his way back over to her.

"Why do you want to talk about Tate?" She questioned, as he settled himself down on the porch swing beside her chair. He turned to look at her and she felt like squirming under his direct gaze.

"Well I get the feelin there's somethin going on between the two of you." She blushed and shook her head.

"I wouldn't say that." He smirked at her before shaking his head.

"Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes. I see the little kisses he gives you, the way you seem to always be bumpin into each other. Tate's never been like that with a girl before and I'm glad it's with you. You are a special person Megan." She blushed even more and ducked her head, not knowing what to say.

"So is this you giving your blessing for what is happening or something else?" She laughed a little at the look he gave her, raising one eyebrow.

"That's up to you to decide." It was quiet for a long moment as they sat looking out over the ranch. Finally, he turned to talk to her again. "You're a smart girl Megan."

"Thank you?" He ignored the slight sarcasm in her voice and continued on.

"You've gotta have noticed that Tate has somethin botherin him. Somethin that follows him around and haunts him. Somethin that's taken his faith away. Somethin that prevents him from goin home to see his momma." She looked at him curiously now.

"I have. He hasn't said much about it but I have noticed that he doesn't think much of God. Mind you, I didn't think you did either." Cole chuckled a little and shook his head.

"Growin up where I did ma'am? God is the most important thing in our lives. Tate still knows that, he just has to come to terms with what happened before he can accept Him in his life again."

"Well what happened?" Megan's curiosity got the best of her but Cole just shook his head.

"It ain't my place to say. He'll tell you if he feels the need to talk. And I think he will."

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