Chapter 22

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Soon it was Christmas Eve, and both Tate and Megan had the excitement of kids. There was an underlying sense of sadness throughout the whole day as they both thought of who they were missing, but they made the best of what they had. Megan prepared a big meal for them while Tate did chores and after they ate, they moved to the living room. There weren't many gifts under the tree, but there were a few and Megan smiled as Tate looked around with gleaming eyes.

"I haven't had Christmas for almost three years." He said softly and unexpectedly tears formed in Megan's eyes. She hadn't thought of what he had done while he drifted around and she hurt to think of him all alone. She reached up to him for a hug, and he bent down and let her hug him. She then moved herself to the couch, and lifted herself onto it.

"Well I hope this one makes up for that then." She whispered and he smiled down at her.

"It will because you are here." Butterflies started in her stomach and she smiled back at him.

"Before we get too carried away with the mushy stuff, let's open presents!" She pointed a finger towards the tree and he laughed and obeyed her, scooping up what little gifts there were and depositing them beside her on the couch. He picked out the ones that were his and then motioned to her.

"You first Megs." She blushed an nodded a little. There was a small sense of loss over the fact that they weren't reading the Christmas story, but she didn't want to bring up religion tonight, especially because she knew it was sort of a sore subject for Tate. She wanted this night to be perfect. The first gift she opened were some new baking things. She remembered mentioning to Tate that she wanted some more things, as she loved baking. She dug through the bag that contained some new pans, frosting bags, measuring spoons and cups, and a couple more things.

"Thanks Tate!" She smiled at him and he grinned back.

"I have to admit those are partly for me too. I sure love your baking Megs." She laughed and then noticed he seemed a little anxious as she reached for her second and last gift. It was a small square box wrapped neatly in paper and her breath caught as she thought of what could be in there. Slowly she unwrapped it. A velvet jewelry box lay underneath, and Megan held her breath as she slowly opened it. Nestled inside was a tiny, delicate, gold heart necklace with a diamond pendent beside it. Her breath caught in delight as she slowly lifted it from where it lay.

"Oh Tate. It's beautiful." She breathed. He shifted beside her and swallowed hard. He moved closer towards her and turned her a little to face to face him. He cupped his hands around hers, being careful not to knock the necklace out of it.

"Megan. I know I'm not the best guy around by any means but... but.." He looked down and brushed his rough thumb gently along the side of her hand. "I've come to care a lot about you Megan and I hope you feel the same way about me. You calm the demons inside of me more than you know. Will you officially be my girlfriend?" Tears were trickling steadily down Megan's face.

"Of course I will Tate. I care about you more than you know." His smile lit up his whole face and he leaned forward and softly kissed her lips.

"I'll always be here Megs." He whispered in her ear and then slowly took the necklace from her hands. It looked even more tiny and delicate in his big, rough hands and the gentle way he handled it melted her heart. He gently turned her around and then brushed her hair out of the way, fastening the necklace around her neck. Once he was done, he laid a soft kiss on the nape of her neck and then turned her around again. They gazed at each other for a moment before she gestured to his gifts.

"Now you open yours!" He laughed and picked up the first of his gifts. He opened a high quality jackknife and grinned at her.

"How did you know I lost my other one?" He smiled and she just shook her head.

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