Chapter 15

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Megan watched the men trickle in after loading their horses back into their trailers. Tate and Cole had brought their horses into the barn where she had been already to feed the others, much to Elizabeth's dismay. Megan could still hear the words echoing in her mind.

"Oh but Megan, don't you think you should stay in here? Tate can do chores. That's what you hired him for isn't it?" There had been so many of those type of comments today that Megan felt mentally exhausted. The men had nosily taken their seats at the table, most of them tired and dirty looking, and all starved. She glanced at Jake and saw a black eye forming already and frowned thinking of what Tate had done. Jake had obviously provoked him but still. She hadn't liked the look of rage that had come over his face and how quickly he attacked the other man.

"Megs can I talk to you?" Tate had bent down beside her chair and was wearing a worried look on his face. She couldn't help but sigh a little.

"Not now Tate. I've got to get supper on the table and besides think you've caused enough of a scene. Wait until the company is gone please." Her words came out colder than she meant it and she looked up at him to see a hurt expression cross his face before he hid it with a clench of his jaw. Without looking at her he straightened up and walked away.

"Megan honey, just sit there. I'll get all this food on the table." Elizabeth's sickly sweet voice reached her ears and Megan wanted to scream. She could do everything that Elizabeth had insisted on doing today and she hated looking dependent especially in front of all these men. It had been bad enough that she couldn't be out there helping them today.

"Oh no. I've got it thanks." She didn't even bother fake smiling this time and she heard Elizabeth's huff behind her. Once all the food was set on the table, the two women also sat down. The men had already dug into the steak, salad, and baked potatoes sitting on the table and conversation was flowing smoothly. Megan was glad the day had gone well for the men but right now she wished everyone would leave so she could have some peace and quiet in her room.


Tate watched Megan from across the table. She wasn't talking much and she didn't make eye contact with anybody, just worked on passing food around and eating what was on her own plate. He was worried that he had made her really mad, or that all of this had been too soon after she had lost her dad.

"Phil, I can't believe your wife didn't come! Megan here needs all the help she can get and you guys couldn't have expected her to do all this on her own could you?" Tate had to clench his teeth together at the sound of Elizabeth's voice. He had decided that he not only hated her husband but hated her too. From the look on Megan's face she wasn't enjoying it either. Phil looked up at her in surprise.

"Now c'mon Lizzy. You know Beth is 8 months pregnant. Besides you know as well as me that Megan here is fully capable of everything herself. Just because she moves a little different than you and me doesn't mean she can't get things done." The other men around the table agreed with him. Tate decided he liked them a lot more now.

"Lizzy you've known Megs for a long time. You know she's tough as leather and strong as steel. She don't need no help." They all laughed and agreed and Tate looked to see the small smile growing on Megan's face. It still hadn't lost that pinched look in it and he was worried that it really his misbehavior that caused it. Elizabeth turned red and looked down at her food. Soon supper was over and Elizabeth pushed back her chair.

"Apple pie anyone? I brought it from home. I wasn't sure you all would get dessert otherwise." Tate felt his jaw tick at her implication that Megan wasn't a good hostess. He glanced sideways at her and saw her studying her plate, not raising her eyes. The men all agreed to pie and coffee and Megan quietly offered for them to move into the living room.

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