Chapter 31

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The next few days passed quickly, and almost idyllically. Megan got very close with Caroline as she worked with her in the house and got to know Brett and Gunner more. Days were filled with cooking and helping with the few chores that Caroline did around the farm. Evenings were filled with long drives with Tate as he showed her every nook and cranny of his old stomping grounds and late evenings were filled with late night conversations with the whole family. Lissa was the only one who hadn't warmed up to Megan and went out of her way to avoid her. While she had joined the family most nights in the living room, she stayed quiet and sullen and glared at Megan. It hurt her, but she also understood how the younger girl was feeling.

"We are having a few close friends over for dinner tonight." Caroline informed Megan, one morning, three days before they were set to leave.

"Oh that's good. Tate needs to see more people that he used to be close too." Megan hummed, not turning from where she was collecting breakfast dishes.

"That is exactly what I thought."

"Are you two talkin about me again?" Tate asked as he came in from the barn. Brett and Gunner were trailing behind him, seemingly done whatever they had been doing after breakfast.

"No, I was just tellin Megan how we are having a few of your close friends for dinner tonight?" Tate grinned.

"So Cole?" Caroline laughed and shook her head.

"And a few others. Cole wasn't your only friend Tate." He smiled, but shook his head, suddenly serious.

"It sure felt like it mama." There was silence in the kitchen until Megan turned with a stack of dishes on her lap.

"So, what's on the menu? I do enjoy planning and cooking for guests and I'd love to help you Caroline. We can make it extra special, kind of like a welcome home for Tate." Tate flashed her a thankful look, before swooping in and grabbing the dishes from her lap and dropping a kiss on her forehead.

"Oh yes, that's a wonderful idea!" Caroline seemed a little flustered from the awkward feel in the room and patted her hair down. "Brett? Could you BBQ?"

"Of course hon." Caroline flashed him a smile.

"Perfect. Then we will have steak and brisket. Megan you can help me whip up a couple salads and desserts. Oh my, I guess I didn't think this through because I may have to run into town to grab a few things." Caroline, turned and started hurrying to the fridge, opening it up and exclaiming over how bare it was.

"Megan and I can run to town mama. Just write us a list." Tate offered. His hand was still resting on Megan's shoulder and he had passed the dishes off to Gunner, who had rolled his eyes, but brought them to the sink for him anyway.

"Oh would you two do that? Lissa and I can get started on the meal and then Brett and Gunner can do whatever chores have to be done before they come back to clean up and grill."

"Yes ma'am." Both Tate and Brett replied, and Megan bit back a grin. Caroline seemed to dominate the household and the men in the house did whatever she asked of them. Gunner noticed her suppressed grin and grinned back at her.

"They're whipped." He whispered in a stage whisper and Megan couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out. All eyes turned to them.

"Gunner you will also be back here and cleaned up with your father at 5:00 sharp. I'll tell the guests they can expect to eat at 6:30." Gunner looked sheepish.

"Yes ma'am." He mumbled and Caroline nodded her head, as if to say 'That's what I thought', while Tate and Brett chuckled.

"Well if you get us that list mama, the quicker we can be back with the things you need." Tate reminded.

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