Chapter 24

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Weeks, and then months passed by quickly. Both Tate and Megan had days where they struggled coming to terms with their losses, but Megan did more than Tate. This was due to the fact that Tate was used to pushing down his feelings and hiding them, and also because Megan has lost her father so recently. However, they both talked freely to each other, opening up when they felt the need and had also settled into routine and living together with their new relationship status very easily. Megan had also faced her fears and and was riding with Tate with every spare chance that he got. Today was the day she was going to try to ride on her own.


Megan bit her lip as Tate helped her into the saddle. She had been working on her core strength, and Tate had moved a saddle into the house and placed it on a mount so she could practice holding herself upright in the saddle and so she could get used to not being able to feel the saddle under her as much as she was used too. Now she was ready to try it on the real thing.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Tate asked, placing a hand on her leg after making sure the straps on her legs and waist were secure. Megan took a deep breath.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Tate beamed up at her and she felt her stomach flip a little at his smile.

"I'm so proud of you Megan. But you do know that if you feel uncomfortable at any time you can stop and I can come up there right?"

"I know." She focused on holding herself straight in the saddle. Tate went to Diesel's head and started leading the horse out of the barn and over to the corral. Almost immediately, Megan felt herself tipping and she grasped hard at the pommel of the saddle, pulling herself upright again. She felt the muscles in her core working and she gritted her teeth and tried to force herself as straight as she could. Once they made it to the corral, she took a deep breath.

"How are you doing?" Tate stopped and looked back at her.

"Good. Can I please have the reins?" She spoke before she could give the idea too much thought and Tate looked surprised.

"Are you sure Megan? I don't want you to push it too far. I don't want you getting hurt." She didn't quite meet his gaze as she nodded, not wanting to give away her nervousness.

"I want to try." He nodded and handed her the reins over Diesel's head.

"I'll be right here. If you need me call." He then stepped back to lean against the fence and watched her as she gathered her courage.

"Okay boy. It's just me and you. Just like old times." Megan spoke quietly to Diesel and the horse flicked his ears back as if he was listening to her.

"C'mon." Megan clicked softly to Diesel and the horse started gently forward as if sensing that his rider wasn't the confident rider that she used to be. Megan concentrated on holding herself straight for a round of the corral, before she let herself relax and actually enjoy the experience. She looked around her, enjoying the view from horseback once again. She was back where she belonged and a huge smile spread across her face. She had enjoyed riding with Tate, but she liked this even more. She finally had her independence back and it felt amazing. After several laps of the corral, she bit her lip in concentration and then clucked at Diesel. The horse broke out in a smooth trot, but Megan quickly began tipping to the side.

"Woah!" She called and Diesel stopped instantly, but she still had gone white and was clutching to the pommel for dear life.

"Megan?" Tate called, but she waved off his concern and started Diesel walking again. After a couple more laps, she asked the horse to trot again, and this time was able to keep upright, although she leaned to the the side a little. After trotting a few laps, she came to a stop in front of Tate, beaming down at him.

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