Chapter 14

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Megan stared out the window as a big, dark blue truck pulled into the yard. What was with these Texas men and their big, beautiful trucks? For some reason butterflies had started in her stomach and she was nervous about meeting this guy that Tate had spoken so highly of. She glanced around the house one last time, making sure it was as clean as she could get it. After her dad's death she had kind of let things go and her heart squeezed at the thought of him again. It had only been a week and a bit and right now she didn't know if she would ever get over the hurt. She heard the truck door slam and wheeled herself over to the porch.

"Hey buddy!" She heard Tate call out and opened the door just in time to see Tate jogging over from the barn. As she watched a tall, lean man gracefully slid out of his truck. Before he could even look around, Tate had tackled him in a bear hug and they both tumbled over, hugging each other and laughing. She smiled at the site. She had never seen Tate so happy before.

"It's been way too long boy. Way too long." The tall stranger laughed and then hauled himself up, reaching down to dust off his dark shirt. He picked up his hat again and looked towards Megan. "Howdy ma'am. I'm Cole Winters." He strode up onto the porch and offered her a big hand which she took shyly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Megan Brooks." He beamed her a grin, and she found herself smiling back. It was hard not too when chocolate brown eyes were smiling out at you from under a shock of black hair and a white cowboy hat.

"Pleasure's all mine." His drawl was a bit thicker than Tate's and she found that she liked the sound of it. Tate leaped onto the porch and stood beside Megan. She turned to look at him, loving the familiarity of him, the soft smile he had when he looked down at her. There was no question about it. This Cole might be attractive, but in her books Tate was ten times better.

"Wow Tate. You should take some lessons on first meetings from your friend." She nudged him a little, reminding him of their first meeting when he had eavesdropped on her conversation. To her surprise Tate went a little red and Cole laughed.

"Yeah excuse this one ma'am. He was the one we couldn't train." He winked at her and she laughed, while Tate pretended to glare at them both.

"Aww c'mon man! I'm not that bad." Laughing, Megan invited them both in and got to work putting supper on the table.


"So what do you think?" Tate asked Cole. They were in the barn checking out the horses and going over what was to be done tomorrow. For some reason, Tate found himself wanting to know what Cole thought of Megan.

"About that girl in there?" He lifted a dark eyebrow at Tate.


"I think she's beautiful, well mannered, a sweet lady, and sure as shootin a lot better for you than Brea was. I also think you've gotten yourself in a mess and completely fallen for the little lady." He smirked at Tate shaking his head. "Who would've thought the great Tate Simmons would actually find a girl he liked."

"Oh come on. I don't like her like that." Tate complained, but his smile told his friend otherwise.

"Sureeee." He drawled. Then he turned serious. "Tate she's one you shouldn't let get away. Don't mess it up with her okay?" There was suddenly a lump in Tate's throat and he swallowed hard.

"I'll try not to Cole. I'll try my best."

"I know you will Tate."


The next morning dawned bright, although cold. Megan was up with the sun, making coffee for Tate, and Cole who were also up doing chores and starting on breakfast. She decided on french toast and was humming softly to herself. A couple times she started to go towards the stairs and then would remember that her father was gone. A sharp pain tore through her as she thought about the ranch being the only thing she had left of her old life. Before she could get too sad, the door burst open admitting cold air and the two cowboys. She was still humming a little and kept her back towards them.

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