Chapter 29

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Megan sat in her wheelchair and watched Caroline bustle around the big, spacious kitchen. She had offered to help finish lunch, but Caroline had shushed her and adamantly refused. Instead, Tate had given her a quick tour of the house. The whole house was open, making it easy for her to access everything. There was a huge living room, with two long hallways off of it, each branching off to multiple bedrooms, an office, a craft room and a couple bathrooms. The dining room also connected to the living room, and off of that was the kitchen.

"I absolutely love this kitchen." Megan commented, admiring the openness, the window that looked over the ranch, the big island, and the stainless steel appliances that fit perfectly with the western decor that the whole house was covered with. It was the ideal ranch house.

"Oh, thank you. Brett, Tate's dad, built this house for me many years ago. I designed it the way I always dreamed of my house being." The older woman bustled around the kitchen, her long dark brown hair swinging in a thick braid behind her. She was short, and her facial features closely resembled Tate, although he obviously had gotten his blue eyes from his father.

"You did an awesome job." Megan commented. She fell into silence, watching Tate and his mom communicate. Tate was straddling a dining room chair, and was visiting with his mom. Megan saw the looks of love that often passed between them, and Caroline had often stopped to look at Tate, and exclaim again how happy she was to see him. Tate's shoulders were relaxed and he looked more at home here than any place Megan had ever seen him. Suddenly outside there was a mix of voices, ringing through the open window.

"It sounds like everyone's back! They went for a ride to check fences in the south pasture, so they've been gone all morning. Lissa decided to go with the guys this time. I'm afraid that she doesn't like doing house work all that much." Megan observed Tate's shoulders tighten and he stood up and wiped his hands nervously on his jeans. She felt nerves bubble up in her stomach too, at the prospect of meeting the rest of his family. He looked at her with nervous eyes and she smiled her encouragement. Just then the door flew open.

"You better have washed up at the barn before comin in here! Leave your boots on the porch and mercy sakes, don't slam the door like that!" Caroline called, all without turning from where she was pulling a salad from the fridge. She turned with a grin on her face likely watching to see her family's reaction. A young girl came shooting around the corner and abruptly halted when she saw Tate. Megan watched as she stood stock still and then as her eyes narrowed.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Her voice was high and lilting with her southern drawl, but sweet too. The expression on her face was anything but sweet and Megan watched pain flicker through Tate's eyes.

"Lissa." He stepped forward but she quickly stepped back and he stopped. Megan watched the girl's eyes flash with vulnerability before anger masked it.

"Lissa! You haven't seen your brother for a long time and this is how you treat him?" Caroline's face had also fell and she stood with her hands on her hips, a scolding expression on her face.

"That's just it. He left us. Why should he get to come waltzing back in when he left when we needed him the most and...." The young girl broke down and Tate stepped forward quickly, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She clung to him, sobs racking her body.

"I'm so sorry Liss. So sorry." Megan heard him whisper and her throat tightened painfully.

"You left me! I was 8 and I had just lost a brother and then you left me too! Even when you came home after, you weren't the same and then when I turned 10 you left and never came back." Tate said nothing, just held his sister close before finally clearing his throat.

"I know Liss. I made a mistake. One I ain't ever gonna make again. I ain't gonna run anymore." The girl just hugged him closer and sobbed. Finally she stepped back, sniffing and wiping her eyes. Tate turned towards Megan and she reached out a hand, seeing the tears that had fallen again down his cheeks. He took her hand and at that moment Lissa's eyes met Megan's.

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