Chapter 28

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Megan awoke early the next morning to Tate gently shaking her.

"Darlin, it's time to get up. I want to get an early start out today." He murmured as he leaned over her. He smelled like shampoo and aftershave and if his wet hair was any indication he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Mmmm okay." Megan wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into his shoulder, pulling him down towards her. She closed her eyes and felt herself drift off to sleep again before Tate chuckled.

"As much as I want to lay here with you, we should get going." Despite his words, he gently moved himself to the side of her and lay down, gathering her up in his arms. Megan fought the sleep that was trying to overtake her again. She felt warm and safe as she snuggled into Tate's hard chest. He aimlessly played with her hair as she pulled herself from sleep.

"I'll get up." She mumbled into his chest and he chuckled again.

"Good. I'll go downstairs and grab coffee before I help you wash your hair." He kissed her forehead and then moved back, getting off the bed and heading out the door. It had become a routine for them in the mornings where Tate would go downstairs and get both of them coffee and then come up and help Megan wash her hair. Once he was gone, Megan pulled herself out of bed and grabbed the clothes that she was going to be wearing today. Once she did that, she set about to packing up the rest of her suitcase, except for the things that she would still need.

"Tate?" She called as she heard the door open. She heard him set down the coffee cups before coming into the room.

"Yes darlin?" She held up the outfit she had chosen for today, which was a comfy outfit. She had chosen black leggings and a long, grey Carhartt long sleeve shirt.

"Is this okay?" She asked and watched his face look confused.

"Yeah? I don't see why not. Why are you asking my opinion though?" He questioned and she felt a blush cover her cheeks.

"Well I want to make a good first impression on your family. I wasn't sure if I should just wear comfy traveling clothes or if I should dress up a bit in jeans and a nicer shirt." She shrugged, looking down at her outfit choice, still wondering if she had made the right decision.

"Oh. You don't have to worry about that. You'll look great in anything you wear and my family ain't really fancy anyway. They'll love you regardless of what you are wearing. I can tell you that right now." He chuckled and she shyly looked down.

"So this is fine?"

"Yes it's fine. I promise." He came over to lay a kiss on her lips, before straightening up.

"Now let's get you showered so we can hit the road." About 20 minutes later, Megan's hair was washed and brushed and she was dressed. She left her hair down, leaving it to air dry naturally, but slipped a ponytail on her wrist in case she didn't like the results.

"I think I've got everything all packed up." She gestured to her suitcase and Tate looked up from his phone.

"Perfect. I'll do a quick check to make sure." She watched as he strode into the bedroom and bathroom, coming out in a few seconds. "Everything looks good." She nodded and watched him swing his duffel bag over his shoulder before grabbing her suitcase and holding the door open. As they went down the hallway to the elevator, she looked at him.

"So are we eating breakfast here?" He shook his head and grinned.

"Nah. I figured we could just grab some fast food on our way out of town. If that's alright with you." She nodded that it was and waited as he checked out of the hotel room, before following him out to the truck. The sun was bright in the sky and already at 8:00 in the morning it was hot.

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