Chapter 30

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The next morning dawned bright and early for Tate and his eyes flew open at exactly 6:00. Groaning, he rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, but no matter what he tried, sleep wouldn't come. Finally, at 6:30, he rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom for a shower. He quickly got dressed after his shower, moving quietly as not to wake up Megan, who was still fast asleep. He watched her sleeping in his old bed and a warm feeling crept up into his chest. He loved her so much, and couldn't quite believe that she was here, meeting his family and sleeping in his bed. On the same token, he couldn't believe he was here either. He slowly made his way out to the kitchen where he found both his dad and Gunner sitting at the table and eating breakfast.

"Mornin." He replied and made his way to the coffee pot, grabbing a mug from the cupboard as he went.

"Good to see all these years away haven't made you into the type to sleep in." Gunner teased, and his dad rattled the newspaper as if in agreement. Tate scoffed a laugh.

"Don't see how they could've. I ain't been livin in the city. Just movin from ranch to ranch." He leaned against the counter and surveyed his dad and brother. Gunner had grown a lot since he had left, but back then he had only been a 16 year old boy. Tate supposed he had to grow up fast after he lost both of his older brothers.

"That's what you've been doin all this time? Ranchin?" His dad finally folded his paper, and shot a steely look at Tate. Tate felt his stomach drop as he knew what was coming. Despite the happiness that he was home, he knew he was still going to get it for leaving in the first place.

"Yes sir. Moved every couple months though."

"Hmm. And now you just settled down? In the city? I never took you as a city man Tate." Gunner had gone silent, staring into his coffee cup and biting his lip. He knew not to interfere with his dad's questioning, as he asked the questions Tate knew he had been dying to ask since he first laid eyes on him.

"I ain't livin in the city. What makes you think that?" Tate felt his eyebrows furrow a little bit in confusion.

"You're tellin me you live on a ranch with that girl?" Tate was unsure where his dad was going with this all, but nodded his head.

"Yes sir."

"And how exactly did you get there?"

"Well, I ended up in a little town of Montana. I don't know how but I guess God placed me there for a reason. I was in the grocery store and I heard a woman arguin on the phone and figured I'd see if she needed help. I came around the corner and saw Megan. Seems she needed more help than I thought. She was a little spitfire though. Basically told me to get lost and leave her alone so I did. Next day I ran into her postin help wanted signs and learned she needed help on her ranch. I applied, got the job and the rest is history." Tate's dad looked stunned, and he wasn't sure if it was from his story, or the fact that he admitted that God had guided him somewhere where he was needed.

"We'll talk later about God and your relationship with him because I know it ain't been good. But you're meanin to tell me this girl was livin on a ranch? By herself? What kind of fool do you take me for boy? I know she ain't no rancher and how could she be in her condition." Anger flared hot in Tate's chest as he realized just what his dad was getting at.

"All due respect sir, but you don't know Megan at all and I would appreciate it if you don't assume things about my girlfriend." Tate forced out through clenched teeth. His dad sat straighter in his chair and glared at him.

"Oh man." Gunner mumbled, and shook his head, still fixated on his coffee. A small grin showed Tate that the boy was getting a kick out of Tate getting the third degree.

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