Chapter 13

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James died, four days after they had brought him to the hospital. The doctors were unsure of what had happened, their best bet being that his mind had simply shut down against all of the disease in it coupled with the damage done by his stroke. He died peacefully in his sleep, they had told them, as if that was going to soften the blow. It was about a week after the death and three days after his funeral and Tate had was feeling more lost than he had in a long time. Megan was almost inconsolable and had grown quite and withdrawn. On top of everything, Tate knew they had to get the cows home now. An impossible feat for one man and a woman in a wheelchair.

"Megs." She was sitting by the window, staring out at the ranch like her father often had. She had a blank look in her eyes now too, something that was caused by grief, not disease. She shook her head as if to clear it and turned dull eyes on him.

"Yeah?" Even her voice sounded dejected and his heart cried out for the young woman sitting in front of him.

"I know this is the last thing you want to be thinkin about and I don't want to sound insensitive, but we've got to get those cows home." She blinked as if the words surprised her.

"Yes. Yes of course we do." She said slowly, as if even the thought of it seemed too hard to imagine. Tate wondered for a moment if she was starting to lose it, the grief of all that had happened to her eating away at her too much.

"I can't do it on my own Megan. And if we don't get those cows home soon they ain't comin home. The snows are set to come in next week and if those cows are still in that far pasture when the snow hits we are likely to lose them all." The words seemed to jar some sense into Megan, and suddenly a light started in her eyes.

"Of course. Sorry, I've just been a little out of it lately." He saw a spark of her old self ignite in her as she sat thinking for a little bit.

"It's okay Megs. You're allowed to be out of it right now." There had been hoards of well wishers, dropping off meals and offering their condolences, and Megan had taken it all graciously but coldly. She seemed to be cut off from the rest of the town, especially now after her recent loss.

"I suppose I could ask Elizabeth if Jake could help. And see if she has anyone else in mind. I'm sure some guys around town wouldn't mind coming out given the circumstances." She made a little face and Tate got the impression that she didn't like that idea.

"Yeah. I suppose I can ask around too." He left her then to head out to the barn. There was chores to be done and he had to figure something out to get the cows home.


About a few hours later, Tate's phone rang shrilly in the large barn. He jumped a little bit, a sick feeling starting to churn in his stomach at the thought of what his last phone call had brought. Nevertheless, he answered.


"Tate buddy! It's been a long time! Where you at now?" A familiar voice came down the line and a smile started growing on Tate's face.

"Cole Winters! Is that you?" Despite the sadness that had settled down on the ranch like a dark cloud, Tate couldn't help the happiness start in his heart. Cole was a friend from back in Texas, a friend he had always been close to and who had stayed in touch with him even after he started drifting.

"Sure is! Man it's good to hear your voice again Tate. Where you hidin out now?"

"I'm working at a ranch just outside of Westbrooks, Montana. What about you?"

"No way buddy! I just finished a rodeo, not even an hour away from there. We've got to meet up." Cole traveled the rodeo circuit, meaning he was almost never home, just like Tate. Unlike Tate however, he didn't have a past keeping him away. He just loved bull riding and had gotten good enough to be able to do it for a living.

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