1. The Chase

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Luna's POV
I'm running as fast as I can through the trail in the forest. My heart is pounding so hard and fast it feels like it's going to rip out of my chest. My lungs feel like they will collapse any minute but I tell myself to keep running. My legs are killing me and I'm just praying they aren't the first thing to give out on me. Why did I decide to take a midnight run? Just because I couldn't sleep, how stupid. Normal people watch TV or read a book but no, I had to go for a run behind my house without my dog or any form of protection because who else would be out here this time of night! Well boy was I wrong because that someone was gaining on me real fast. I can hear his steps getting louder and closer behind me and I'm panicking.
What does this guy want? Who cares, I need to lose him fast. The only way to do that is to cut through the trees and get off the path. I make a sharp right into the trees and immediately feel a sting on my cheek. Crap I just ran right into a fricken tree branch but I need to keep moving. I know I'm bleeding but I can't slow down. The sting will go away eventually. Please God, help me.
I hear a chuckle behind me, what the fuck. Did I just say that out loud? No, I'm pretty sure I didn't. What is going on, I can't go on much longer. I am starting to get dizzy from the adrenaline leaving my body and I'm about to give up when I see a light up ahead. There's a road or highway and this gives me a new found energy to push myself faster. Maybe there is help there.
I hear a low growl behind me and it sounds like he has picked up the pace too. The road ahead is getting closer, just a little more. I see car lights, oh thank goodness I'm going to make it!
10 feet, 9, 8.... I run into on-coming traffic. I'd rather get hit by a damn car than kidnapped and God knows what else.
Car breaks screech and I see two headlights coming right at me. I scream and put my hands up to cover my face as a reflex but it's not like that will help the blow I'm about to receive. All of a sudden something collides with me hard and the impact sends me flying to the other side of the street. I hear a crash and see two cars have hit just a few feet away. I roll over a few times until my body stops on its own. I can't move, my body finally gave up on me. I'm laying helpless on the ground. I try screaming for help but no sound comes out. I see a tall figure come and stand over me but can't see his face because the car lights are shining in my face. He kneels down next to me and says "You gave me a good run, I needed that".
My heart stops and everything goes dark. The last thing I see are his orange eyes before I pass out.

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