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I wake to the sound of people moving around and talking throughout the sleeping chambers. I sit up and rub my eyes, yawning. I look around seeing my fellow initiates rushing frantically out of the chamber's, and I notice my brother's bed is empty. I get up and see there's a note on his pillow. "Annalise! Somebody wake Annalise! " I hear a familiar voice yelling over and over from outside the chambers. I grab the note and hurry out of the chambers, pushing passed people. I get to the source of the voice, my bestfriend Jane. She was crying and once she found me she grabbed, and started pulling me somewhere. But I didn't know where. Eventually I did once the turns led in the direction of the chasm. And that's when the puzzle pieces started coming together, even though I never ever wanted them too. "Anna, your brother, he . . ." My friend says, looking over to the chasm and the people lowering two ropes down. One with another person on it, and an empty one. N-No. "I noticed h-he got up early this morning and so I went to go look for him. And when I found him at the edge of the chasm, he just," She chokes up, and I start shaking my head. There's no way. "He just jumped, I-I'm so sorry Annalise. I was too far and to late to stop or catch him." She tells me, and my hands start shaking. That's when I remembered the piece of paper in my hand, and I start reading.


Dear Annabear,

Today you're gonna wake up, and you're gonna wake up to the news that I gave up. To the news I won't be here to graduate initiation, or for the rest of your life, nonetheless mine. I couldn't do it. I couldn't bare moms death nor dads, nor could I bare Anthony leaving us. But I want you to tell him I didn't die mad at him. In fact I died loving the both of you, and I want you to tell him I understand, since leaving was his way of dealing with both of our parents deaths. And I understand because, this is my way of dealing with it. Selfish, I know. And you're gonna think that for the rest of your life Anna, and I'll tell you right now, I understand. But I needed to do this. And that's something you'll never understand. But I want you to know, this isn't the end.

May we meet again.



My heart breaks, and my knees collapse. I scream till there was no air left in my lungs. My eyes fill and burn with tears, while my mind plays memories with my brother, over and over. My cubbie is gone. My little brother is gone, and his body is about to be halled out of a ravine. I didn't see the signs. How come I didn't see the signs? He seemed genuinely happy, every time I spoke to him. And when ever things did get overwhelming, we even cried it out together, plenty of times. About mom and dad, about Anthony. I thought things were under control, I thought things were good. And now? I'm alone. Why is my brother dead? He could've came to me, he could've talked to me. And I would've been there for him completely. "Come on, you don't need to see them pull him out, let's go back to the sleeping chambers." She says, trying to pull me up, "No! I need to see him." I yell and say, and she backs down while I crawl over to the ledge. But I all I see is them pull back up one rope, the rope for the person that was supposed to tie my brother to the other rope. I stand up worried, "Where is my brother? What's wrong?" I ask frantically as the help the guy back onto the edge. "I'm so sorry but, he's not on the upper part, so I think he may have fell deeper, into the slim crack. And we don't have rope that reaches far enough."  The guy says, and my world spins out of control. My brother's dead and I can't even see his body. I might as well throw myself over too at this point. I'm now the only living Harris in Dauntless, and I never wanted to be.

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