Chapter three: Bonding Time

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They were running to the cabin, only to stop here and there. Has the kids were quite surprised by the size of the new cabin, they didn't move, mouth agape, still under the shock. The Stalgamate looked out of the door to wave in a friendly manner, telling them to gather in the cabin. As they entered, what was next wasn't expected by anyone.

The cabin, made of strong wood, didn't creak under the pitter patterns of the shuffling feet on the ground. The walls, covered in beautiful green color patterns, leaves, and wall climbing plants littered the cabin, majestically, making the whole living quarters like a fantasy world in a bottle. There was a bed, made of strong and yet, soft and comfortable leaves. The kids will never know how and where they got such comfortable leaves for bedding. The light was made by a plant they had never seen before. The flower, majestic in its way, has the nectar gave a faith, yet strong light to bring life to the cabin, and the petals, we're a light blue at the base, to turn a baby blue at the end, the end of the flower was looking sharp, yet soft to the touch. The little girl reached to it, only to be stopped by a purple arm, the alien shook their head before telling "bad idea, child, it may be soft, but it isn't strong, one-touch, it turns to ashes". The small girl nodded to Starslay, before looking around the cabin some more.

Has the kids were surprised, they failed to notice the table, made of softwood, and small benches to sit on, the same wood of the table, all in the while its setting was surprising and quite fantastic. They were surprised that the alien even fitted in the cabin without any problem, as they were not that stuck with it too, there was enough space for four persons. The kids were quite happy to have taken in the outer being, it had an advantage, to give surprises. Even though the older one hid it and he refused to stay surprised for too long, to make the alien win the game, no, he will win it, whatever the cost.

The kids and alien were having fun when the alien gave something else to them. The outer brought out from under the bed, some strong looking slingshots, since she searched small secure defense for them, has to not harm them. They were all happy, since their parents didn't want them to have one, and most of the kids at school had one. They then started to practice their aim with it, has the Stalgamate was helping them understand how it worked, and since it was Friday, they had a sleepover at their hidden cabin. The training had turned into a kind of roleplaying, at the same, the children stayed safe and were careful about the extreme strength the slingshots had.

After a few hours of practice, they had gotten pretty good at using the said weapon of defense. Has they were quite tired from playing outside, they walked back in, quite tired of the practice, to have a good laugh and then to fall asleep altogether. The poor alien could only watch them sleep, Starslay couldn't sleep, she thought of how that could feel, sleeping. Since almost no time passed, she walked outside to watch the safe darkness out of the living quarters. They watched the stars, little lights in the dark, before going back inside.

After the daylight had completely gotten away from the sky, leaving the moonlight to shine through the door. The sound woke up the kids since, in a forest, you are not supposed to hear a car or a truck to that matter. The kids looked outside the small creak in the door to only go back in has fast as they could. The alien, terrified, jumped under the bed, somehow fitting in the small space given to them.

The hidden search team was waiting for the right moment to strike and take the alien, they couldn't fail, since their plan is fail-proof, but what was waiting for them, was more then they had planned on, since they knew they had no defense, they burned the treehouse down, for security matters. How could it be? How could they have failed their full-proof plan? The boss was quite angered at them, have they were supposed to catch it, to then bring it to the facility for further instructions. Yet, they had somehow failed their boss, and that won't be their first time...

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