Chapter thirty-two: Destruction

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They finally made it to the end of the road, they where at the middle of the town finally, they were getting ready to do the final part of the plan that they had gotten ready. The alien was to fight the beast alone, they were going to save the whole world here and now.

They were going to start the final fight that they had planned for so long, since they were here. They were getting the stuff and weapon ready when the young alien stepped out. ":I am a dying core, teacher, please let me be the sacrifice, it won't be for nothing. Please, dont let you're hate take over:".

The alien didn't know what to do, their student was alive yet dying. They never wanted them to suffer in the first place, but they dont want another death on their hands. They were going to say no that is until the words of the queen got back to their mind.

":Once there was two hero's one much more young than the other. They were suffering, the young one was saved and they died before saving their own world. The older one survived instead and their memory was a legend.:" They nodded to say that it was fine. After one final hug of goodbye, the young one was stabbed in the armour.

They became a power core once more, Starslay sadden that they had to kill their own student to save the world, sulking, they walked to the machine that was placed on the ground by the military that left a few seconds ago. They were now putting the power core into the machine, as it powered up.

The beast in the sky was in position, ready for the painful strike that was going to arrive soon enough. The beast now happy and calm that they will not only have their revenge, but happy that they will be complete with the elders.

The new leader of the underground team was trying even more hard to get to the point where the alien was hiding, or so he though, as the van was now empty. Nothing was in there, but the faith trace showing that the beast was still running up and about. That made the new leader so mad that he shot most of his crew in anger, the rest of the crew that was alive scared of their doom that could come at any seconds now.

The whole group was hiding in the most thick building as the alien said that there will surely be purple poison on the field once they will be ready to strike. And so, that they had to hide away from the whole situation. The military of course, didn't listen to the instructions of the tall being.

Once they were all hidden, they didn't know that Rick didn't follow the rest, but it was too late to go back and get him now. Clay was starting to tear up at the though of his son dying in this war that wasn't even supposed to get him involved.

The alien was getting shot at by the crew that was in a frenzy, not really knowing what would happen to them in a few minutes. They all didn't know that their end will come in the next few moments of this fight.

The creature was shot in the back a few times, making scratches on the metal that protected them from the shots. They were getting a few wounds here and there, until they heard the yell of a kid and the gun powering up. "Where do I shoot, Rick yelled to the alien" the beast knew of the plan and while dodging they pointed to a certain part in the sky.

The movement seemed more like a dodge of a bullet than a direction, but the kid knew of the movement as he was told by the alien. He knew what he had to do now. He pointed the weapon in the direction the being pointed at, before starting the gun, making it lock up in place. They just had to run to the small boy in time now.

They looked at Rick, thinking he was fearless enough to be a part of the plan, and so they started to talk to them. They were making sure that no one was listening into their conversation so that they could be in peace. They started on the plan and made sure to block all the holes that was present in the plan.

He was to not follow the rest of the hiding team, as the alien will distract the rest of the fire on them, while the look out for the position of the beast. Once it will be locked into position, the sound will distract the team as it is not a normal gun powering up sound. They will then run up and protect the kid with their body as they will be covered in the goo that was fatal to humans.

The plan was going in succession and was going according to plan. They were getting ready to protect the child as the shot was heard, making the group that was hidden gasp as they knew that Rick was dead now. They were holding back the tears as the yell of pain soon came by making the whole world shut up.

They got up to him just in time as the purple goo came and killed all the life that was present in the sector, the rest of the goo became dust, as it was in space and fell to the ground, making sand as it became basic solution. And so, once the goo was in touch with the ground, it turned all the things that it touched into sand.

They still survived, as the being wasn't affected by the purple goo that was attacking the rest of the town. The whole town was turned to dust, or sand in this case. They were alright, and so was the kid in their arms. The fight was now over.

The whole rest of the military that wasn't hiding was killed just like the crew that wanted to take over the world, they were all gone now. There it is, the end of the war that wasn't yet ready for the world. An hidden war was now over, but so many was left to do.

They were surprised that the said goo had suddenly turned to sand as it touched the ground of the planet, as the ecosystem of Quanta-4 did survive it, but why is there sand on the planet? That is the answer to you're question, they did get attacked didn't they?

The beast did come from there world after all, and so, they know much, much more about it than the humans. But anyways, there was now no more Tbx-29 alive in the universe, the most dangerous beast became the STA-28, which is the shadow of the traitors.

now that they are covered in sand, they didn't move, the sand was getting heavy on their back and they were getting tired. That is until they heard the sound of digging in their direction, they started to help the other one that was digging down by going up. The alien was rather happy to find the shine of the daylight again. They had a scared Rick in their lower pair of arms. Yet the two were safe, and so the other group that hid was happy to find back their friends. The whole danger thing was now over, why would it continue when the two beings that started it are dead? The end might not be now but it is rather close. The whole shenanigan of fighting for the survival of earth would finally be over. The thing is, there is no story without an end and yet, it is our life

They didn't really know what to do, the weird blue haired guy disappeared in thin air. The little child did too, as if they never existed in the first place. As the two beings that was buried underground was at the light now. They were being crushed in a hug from the other that were hidden. They were now ready to get back to their respective homes. That is at least for one of them, as the other one was light years away from their own. They couldn't really afford to get back without being sure to hurt anyone's feelings.

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