Chapter thirty-three: Pains

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The kids were happy, they got into the adventure that they were looking for. But what they didn't know was that it was over now. The alien was getting ready to leave too. The whole world now knew of the alien, and they had opposing opinions about the subject. The world couldn't really know that future or know how the fight had ended. They didn't really get to know the alien and the kids that helped them. They were rather happy to have been able to help and hide a huge secret. While the team was happy to have made an encounter with the outside. But hey, at least they had a way to know about the world's that were hidden away from them.

They were now trying to give another bath to the alien covered in sand. Of course, the alien wasn't of the same idea. As the alien was terrified of being forced to take a bath even though they were used to that kind of weather. they did indeed have a weather that was similar to what has happened back there. The tornado of sand that had suddenly hit the whole thing after the fight with the beast in the sky. That was to be expected by the being as the attacks did the same thing on their home planet that was light years away from the planet they were hiding on right now. They just didn't know to do to get the being to get into the water. they had suddenly gotten a great idea.

They brought the alien outside and used the water hose to get the sand off of their huge body. With the alien soaked and a quite mad at the kids that used the hose on them, yet they founded that a little funny. They were in a way stuck in this little circle of friendship even though they had gotten a few months in the adventure. The whole shenanigan was over soon enough letting the alien dry in the sun, as not much people was now around. But now that the alien was drying outside, they were rather annoyed to wait outside. But anyways the kids decided to play outside to be around the alien so that they were not left alone. But anyways they decided that they had to spend more and more time with the alien before they had to go back home. They were now slowly getting more and more close to the end of the story with the so called earth. They had not much left to accomplish before the escape pod will be completed and they will finally be able to leave. They still had a place to go to after all of this.

They were now inside, trying to get to know more about the story of the alien, as they got a book out and started to write in it. They started "As the story began, with the near end of a planet...". The kids were surprised to get an story about them written by the alien that was their friend. To that, they started on the beginning of the whole story, just like the rest of the start of this meeting. They wanted to be able to get a story to tell to their own world. As their book will be their priced possession from now on. It is now since they will be writing their own memory and about another lifeform that detailed compared to the ideas that they were getting from the beings that was living out there. They still wrote into the book as the story was now reaching the middle, they were surprised that they had so much to talk about even they didn't have much to talk about. They were now having fun at the whole thing of getting around the city and the surrounding of the place, catching every details with the writing for souvenir purposes.

As they were al having fun, on the other side of the world, some of the group that was fighting to get the whole world under their command was still standing. They were waiting in the dark for the commands of someone that was now dead, they over time will become gangs. They had to get ready for once their master would call, as again they knew of nothing. They all though that he had escaped and was just hiding and waiting. The only response they would get is radio silence, he was dust, or rather sand by now. He wasn't fast enough to escape like the few that were outside at the time. Now there was much more sand on a certain part of the earth.

The ones that were found and arrested got what they deserved by the law. They were getting more and more mad with the time that was around and nothing to do or was happening. They didn't make it, at least one did, he became the new boss around and was starting a new band. He was able to escape the facility where he should have been killed by the men that were present.

The one that helped the alien was getting a hard treatment as they didn't know what to do with the technology before them. They were getting lectured by the alien that founded it funny since it was something that was known at birth for them. They stall time without knowing what they were doing with the parts. Over time they were able to get the thing done before the alien came back, that is once they will pass by. They had let the being stay a little longer, they had to say their goodbyes to the new human friends they had made now. Not only that but they gave the information about school, as the being was so intrigued about it.

The kids knew that it was now the end and the whole alien friend thing will be over quite soon. As the three humans were spending time with the being that would soon go to were they live. They had a huge sleepover to celebrate their win as the four of them had quite the fun until it was the time to contact them. They now knew that the escape pod was done and they were now getting ready to get back home. They just had to wait for the day to get up, to say goodbye to them. Once the being will be home, they would be dead, so they will take the night to think of what they would say to them. And that night they though about it really hard, they were sad. The whole adventure was over for now. They looked at the book they had in their hands and started to read it over, as to bring back all the memories back one last time before the end.

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