Chapter eleven: Mother Meets Outsiders

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The kids and the adult didn't know what to do. The alien and the women had fallen asleep. The three kids and the conscious adult brought the women to the couch, so she lays comfortably instead of the solid ground. A few seconds after, the alien woke up, rubbing the soft spot on their head.

Once the event was over, the humans were getting wet towels for the forehead of the fainted women on the couch. The outer being keeping an eye on the fallen human. The said beast, curious, touched the soft hair the adult human had, getting it out of the bun that was made from them.

After that the cold towels were in place, the three humans and the adult got out to take a small walk outside. The two were still remaining in the house, question to not be a freak show to the public. Once they were quite far from the house, the women woke up.

Stella was freaking out at the sight in front of her, there was a extremely tall alien in front of her. The speed that the women took, scared the alien, making them shoot up and hurt their head again, this time, they didn't fall unconscious. The women's was now getting more and more terrified at the beast.

Once the alien had sat back on the couch, the women calmed down, stopping her panic attack, the alien is no harm to her. The outer being was now somehow looking at the women. The being started to rub the soft spot that they had hit earlier, warning the women.

The adult had though that the alien was a weird or outer space animal, now worried about their health. The beast, surprised that the human was long gone before their eyes, decided to hide behind the couch again, waiting for the other to come back.

The mother, franticly searching for the med kit, with no success. The alien was wondering what was happening with the three others. The kids were having fun in the park, playing with the structures that was present in the park.

They were thinking about how they would get the alien from the territory were they had lost. It will be more hard from now on, the alien seems to only be in the town and not in the forest. The war was far from over for them, they will win the hidden war. They will be the ones to rule over the world.

There is no end to war, bad thoughts, but here we are. Telling a story, to all of you. They are hidden and will win. We all have bad thoughts, bad people around us. But now, lets not get to wrapped up into something else, lets continue.

The kids, forgetting for a long moment about the being that was too tall for this world, to playing in the playgrounds of the park. All in the while, Clay was watching from afar, making sure that they dont get hurt or fall off the structures made for roleplays. The kids where now tired, walking back home, well to Stacy's house.

On the other side, the mother was trying to get the alien to stand still, so that she could help them. Of course, the mother was just getting more and more worried about the new species that was hurt. Stacy was worried and curious as to why the alien didn't want to be helped, even though they were still rubbing the soft spot on their head.

The alien started to answer the questions of the mother, while waiting for the kids and the other adult that where making there way back. The adult in the living room only getting more and more hungry for answers rather then being satisfied of the other answers. They had quite the hard the time, needing to answer questions instead of getting 'fixed' by the mother, it will heal by itself.

The alien was asked a personal question, what are they made of? Well that is a great question, that will be satisfied quite soon. They are made of energy, the mates are made of Condensed energy. That energy is used to power their physical form until they are ready to leave, their power cores, running out of energy. Once that energy is out, they die, leaving the power core, without any source of energy, ready to be powered again.

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