Chapter Twenty-eighth: Endless Battles Part One

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The alien was taking a small break to notice that the kids were now back in the van, they didn't knew that they would do that again. They decided on a new plan, that was completely safe for the human kids. The small beast was embarrassed as they needed to use the agility they used to distract the opponent with rather low moves.

They got out of the van to get the slingshots on the top of the van, making them a little more electronic for the kids to stay in the van and yet be able to help. For the three it was going to be a story of a videogame. All the fun of shooting the weapon and hitting their targets. They had so much fun, that is they fired once the alien was back in.

The slingshots helped a lot as they slowed the other team quite a lot, making it a lot more safe for the small group to be able to stop and let the beast continue their work. They were have a little to much fun with the slingshots, having to aim and fire, not really caring about the management of recharge. The adults were making sure that the rock line that was used as ammo was full for the three electronic weapons.

It was an synchronized work, the kids would fire the weapon to hit the cars, and the adults had to make sure that the ammo was full and to put any more if there was about to be no more, they were called upon once the kids couldn't fire so that the ammo could be replenished.

They could aim with the small paper like computer of the alien and they could fire once they pressed a button, making it a perfect look-alike the videogame duck hunt that they played a lot together, them being really good at the game. They could easily it the cars, thinking of them as the ducks of the game, making it easier for them.

The mother was impressed by the skills of the kids, she never knew that the videogames could save them a day, she always though that is served for nothing but to make kids more violent. It was true in a way but right now it was a question of life or death. The father, Clay, was proud of his son, that was good at hunting but didn't like to kill the animals.

One of the group was trying to get the kid to let them try the thing, making the kid mad at the adult, it was a gift from the alien there was no way they he would let them have a try at it! That was quite the scene, an adult wanting to test a kids toy, in a way. The alien was almost laughing at the scene before remembering what they had to do right now.

That had let the alien scowl the younger one and let them continue a bit the weapon. They were getting help from the student that gave them the tool they needed to get a screw in or a piece of metal that was needed. They were able to finish the base of the cannon of the weapon, that is around that time they had to get moving again. The small distraction was out of ammo now. At least they were able to be almost done with it.

The military came by the right time, they took over the battle to let the others finish what they were supposed to finish and to make another distraction. They were getting shot at, just like they were too, trying to win over the town all over again. It wasn't the first time that happened, they did try before. But since they were going in a frenzy again, it was more easy to win over them.

On the two side, many were killed and other were badly injured and yet, they held there ground, making sure that they didn't break their numbers and the others, didn't make it to the van it was another war that was to go on and on again. there was to be a run over, or at least it was what the bad team though, they weren't going to win, not this time.

They were hitting more and more harder for the team to understand, finally starting to take over the whole war. they were winning, finally getting rid of the whole team that was supposed to take over the world. The team that was about to kill the whole world to get the thing there way and no other ways.

They were gaining on the bad team, until they fired the grenade in the last point of despair and in hope to kill the rest, they succeeded in their evil plan. They were now slowly making their way to the van that was starting up, to only be shot in the head by the last bullet of the weapons that was on the van.

The kids turned to the stoned face of Stacy, as she said "not on my watch, idiot". The kids started to laugh out loud as the chase continued and the alien that was progressing into the making of the thing that would end it all. On the thing to would stop the first thing that was about to hit them.

They had the major ground, being able to get out much more before they were able to notice they were gone, that is the only witness was killed by Stacy, that was to protect the kids, she was a mother of course.

The only setback was that they were now at the other side of the town and had to make their way back to the middle of the town again. They didn't care, they were all safe and it gave a little more time for the alien to be able to finish the tool that was almost done by now. They were so eager to get th wear done by now, to end it once and for all.

They were not seen for the most part but they got noticed anyways, making them an easy target as no one was there to distract them, or for the whole military team that was on their side to help them now, they were all alone. They knew that they had not much time left before the whole plan would collapse and fail on them.

They had to find any idea that would make the situation turn in their favor and give them a little more time. They now only had the roads and the streets that could be their friend, since they had to wait for the rest to fall in place before making it to the middle of the town.

It is hard to plan something that isn't going to well is it? Well they somehow managed to get the alien an upper hand since they decided to use something that they were still working on, not the oh so great weapon but something else.

They were the first to break the code and be able to not only subspace one but to tame one of them, if they perished then, it would be fine, they would have tried. They got out of the van, or just opened the doors before letting an opal fall to the ground. Making the young student back up and bring the kids with them.

They motioned to the humans to hide away from the eyes of the beast before it was too late for their plan and their life's. They all got into the front of the van, in the shadows where they couldn't be seen by the huge thing that appeared in front of them. They were amazed by the beast that was in front of them. So much fur and dangers into the same being.

The creature was nothing but what they though of what could live on their world. The thing was around two meters taller then the alien that they though was really tall. They had a huge cat like face with four fangs that could be seen from their mouth. They had fur acting like hair going from being the head and the base of the mase like face of the beast. The face was smooth just like metal and reflected like it too, the body was bid and the legs really small. Huge arms that seemed to hold the weight of the beast was muscular and covered in fur. The hand were the size of the head of the alien and had three fingers as long as a human kids forearms.

The color of the mask was a grey white and the fur was a blue turquoise, in the sunlight it looked turquoise but in the shadow it looked a light blue. A huge chest like fus coverage was a darker color of the other color of the fur. The beast was looking at Starslay only, seeming to only listen to them.

They seemed to talk in another language again before the monster turned around making the bad team stop in their track, making no movement to show that they were a love to the tall beast that was in front of them. "Mish, attack at once!" yelled Starslay, making the team run away scared that they would be in any trouble.

The team was slowly getting torn appart one by one, some were getting eaten by the beast that seemed way too hungry for the taste of the humans that were running away. They should indeed be terrified of the beast that was going in after then, the creature that though of them as AD-03s as they were running in the same patterns as them. Not only that but they were terrified since the beast liked the taste of the human flesh. They had to run for their poor little greed and sorrow.

that little distraction was enough to let them be able to get more close to the middle of the town were they will be able to kill the Tbx-29, the humans that were thinking it was an meteor, but it wasn't one. They didn't know what they were all getting in for that is, until it was too late, as the beast in the sky woke up and continued their rampage, or the start of their endless rampage.

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