Chapter ten: Secrets Are Brought To Sunlight

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The story had scared the kids even more, leaving the poor alien to their mourning, they got back home. They brought back the picture, they had headed back home, the alien still in the treehouse. The father of Rick was waiting for the kid to come back home, the sister at work.

Rick was going to ask his father to go to the sleepover, before being interrupted by a unwanted question from him. His father asked why there was a unknown reading of energy on him, and at Ryan's home. Rick then started to explain it all to his father, he known he works where at lest, they are safe.

The father didn't really know what to say, since he wasn't waiting that a week before the end of school they started to hide the alien at the cabin, but founded it funny that they didn't know much about them. Since there was going to be a huge sleepover organized by Ryan and Stella, he decided to tell his son that he will visit the alien. He couldn't tell the team or the other kids, well, he will once they have the huge sleepover.

He got ready, his suitcase for the big night, said to Rick to get ready while he go gets the alien with the van. Rick told him to wait for him, the alien would attack him. The actual outcome of the scene was way more deferent then they though.

They got the suitcases on the backseats and left for the woods, getting the alien. The team leader didn't know that they were off of their own territory of research, that they were in enemy territory. They got to the start of the woods, and walked in, while Rick was talking about everything and nothing to his father.

They got to the new treehouse and the first reaction of the father was surprise, it was not the one he had build with his son long ago. It is so much more big than the other one they had made, looked more durable and safe. The door opened an let the being get out with no problem of hitting their head on the top of the door.

The first reaction of the alien was to jump off the small porch, in-between the two humans, covering with their body the smaller one, and giving a invisible glare to the adult. Rick yelled their name over and over, until the alien listened and looked at them. The kid explained and the alien calmed down.

The outer being, still unsure watched the older human hug the smaller one, asking them if they had any cuts or were hurt. The kid shook their head before saying that he and his friends hid it for some time and never got hurt.

The adult happy with the answer asked the name of the beast, them not answering and motioned t the kid that they can got now, the walk back to the van was silent, the alien still observing the other adult. To be real, the two were unsure about the other one around the kids.

Once they were in the van, Rick asked "hey, Starslay, how is it here?" The alien watched the small window separating them and answered ":not bad, this planet has a lot of my old one, and why does it smell like metal in here?:" The adult started "so your name is Starslay, can I call you Star or Slay? By the way, I'm Clay, Clay James". The alien didn't answer the adult, but only got down, since they were getting into town, they couldn't be seen.

Once at the home, the kid and the adult had to get the mother out, so they could get the alien into the house. That will be one hell to do, looking at their size, it was unlikely that they would succeed. Since the mother was already occupied, in another room, they got the suitcases ready and they tried to get the alien in the house.

The two were helped by the other, younger kids, bringing the things from the van and helping the alien pass without being seen. To their luck, the night hade come pretty much at the same time than the alien passing from the van to the home.

The alien now, passed from the van to the big, yet small home of Ryan and his mother. The mother, upon earing the door closing, started to walk downstairs. The two humans in the doorway, terrified that the outer beast gets seen, got into the living room were the two other kids were. Once they entered the room, the two younger children had seen the adult and the child that was next to the alien.

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