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Everything is going well as usual for Chaeyoung until that evening. She is quite busy when suddenly a customer comes knocking on the table at the counter. She turns to see him and get his order before she realizes who it is standing in front of the counter.

"Oh, Jeon Jungkook-ssi?", she says with a little bow towards him.

"Hi, I'd like to have one iced americano and that apple pie. Oh, add one more drink. Could you suggest me which tastes good?", he says without looking at Chaeyoung who is getting a bit nervous seeing him there.

"Uh...which one...caramel..caramel macchiato. You'd like to try it?", Chaeyoung tries to answer him. "Okay, I'll have that too.", he replies as he hands her some bank notes to pay for the order he made. Then, he leaves to sit at the nearest table without waiting for Chaeyoung to give him the change.

When she walks to give him his money, he declines as he says that he always did not take a change when he buys something there. Chaeyoung insists to give it to him but he tells her to quickly make his drinks so she does as he told. After a while, she comes back with a tray of the drinks and an apple pie.

"Here's your drinks and apple pie. Please enjoy it.", she says before taking the tray and gets ready to leave.

"Rosé.", suddenly she hears Jungkook calls her with the name she uses on her name tag.

"Y..yes.", Chaeyoung replies in short. "Can you sit here for a while?", he asks as he takes his iced americano closer to him.

Chaeyoung looks around and slowly sits down as she sees that not many customers are around and all of them are busy with their own things. "Is there...anything I can help you with?", she asks him but he ignores it as he starts to drink the iced americano she served him.

Chaeyoung starts to look down to the ground and her fingers fidgeting on her knees under the table. It feels weird for her to sit with him especially when he ignores her. She feels like she is being used or something that she prays for Jisoo to quickly come back to the coffee shop.

"This drink tastes good. You really learned to make it.", Jungkook comments in a sudden. "Thanks to Jisoo unnie, she taught me how to make the drinks here.", Chaeyoung replies without a stutter. He can see that she is getting more comfortable talking with him or it is just because of his positive comment she slowly being more relaxed than she was.

"How long it takes for you to learn to make the drinks?", Jungkook asks for further information. Chaeyoung feels weird of his question but she still answers it. "In a month...and one week.", she says to him and he nods to it.

"Why? Is it...too long...for me to learn making them?", she asks him back. He shakes his head as he takes another sip of drink. After that, he asks her if making drinks at the coffee shop is something new for her and she nods admitting it.

"Well, then. One month. Give me one month to teach you to do business. Work with me. I know I said I give you until Monday to give me answer but I just want to make sure that you don't forget it. So...if you say yes to the offer, work with me for at least one month and if you feel the job doesn't suits you, you may resign and I will not disturb you again. How about that?", he offers her something she never expected.

Because of that, Chaeyoung stares long to the ground thinking of his words. She thinks of why is he offering her such a kind and thoughtful offer. She thinks if he has his own agenda for making such an effort to make her take the job offer. She thinks if this offer is going to help her to get close with her biological mother.

"Rosé?", Jungkook calls and waves his hand in front of her face. "I'm sorry but...is this...everything you just said...written in the paper? I mean...I need to see a black and white agreement first...", she says while trying to keep herself stay relaxed.

"Don't worry about that. I'll prepare the agreement before Monday and send it to your email later.", Jungkook says as he grabs the apple pie and stands up.

"You can expect it by today at midnight or tomorrow morning. I hope to see you on Monday...at J Group.", he adds before starting to walk leaving the coffee shop. But, Chaeyoung's little shout of his name makes him to stop. She points at the caramel macchiato that he does not take with him.

"Oh, that's for you, Park Chaeyoung.", he tells as he points at her with a smile. Then, he excuses himself leaving Chaeyoung stood dumbstruck with his last word.


That night, Chaeyoung could not stay relaxed thinking of the offer from Jungkook. She keeps on thinking because it feels suspicious for her that a managing director of a big company like J Group offering her something like that. It makes her think what makes her so special to receive such an offer from the managing director himself.

Because of her overthinking mind, she cannot go to sleep even though it has passed 11 pm, her usual sleeping time. She tries to close her eyes and turns her body left and right but none of her efforts actually makes her sleepy. So, Chaeyoung gives up and takes her phone to read some online book in hope that it will help her to sleep.

After a few reading throughout a chapter, she comes across a line that makes her to think of Jungkook and her biological mother again.

"We don't meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our path for a reason.", Chaeyoung reads.

"Maybe he's the reason I will finally meet her.", she says to herself.

Right after that, her phone makes a sound of new notification coming in and it makes her to swipe down on the screen to reveal a new email received. Only then, she realizes that it is already 12 am and she slowly taps on the notification to read the new email sent from jeonjungkook@jgroup.com which has a title that says 'Additional Conditions for the Job Offer'.


Thirteenth chapter ✔

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