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The bright sun from the balcony of the hotel room gives Jungkook a positive vibes that the day will be a good day for him. It has been almost a week he stays at the hotel while watching over Chaeyoung throughout the week. He does as she told, give her time.

He turns to the right where he can see the Subway restaurant from his 20th floor of hotel room.

"Good morning, Chaeyoung.", he says as if she is right in front of him.


That afternoon, he walks from the hotel to Subway which takes about 10 minutes to reach. When he arrives, he looks for Chaeyoung as he usually does every day he comes there. However, he cannot see her anywhere in there as he looks around.

"Hey, Jungkook.", Katherine greets as she wipes the table where he is at.

"Hi, Katherine. Where is Rosé?", he asks as Katherine knows that he always come just to see Chaeyoung.

"She's not working today. She's not feeling well.", Katherine who lets Chaeyoung to stay with her tells him.

"Oh...", that is the only word comes from the man in his favourite bucket hat.

Katherine sits in front of him with a smile.

"Does she have a fever?", Jungkook asks her.

She shakes her head and still smiling that it confuses Jungkook.

"She's alright. I mean...I didn't see if she has a fever or not feeling well. I think...she has done thinking.", Katherine tells him.

"Thinking? About what?", he asks, still confused.

Katherine shakes her head, cannot believe that Jungkook is slow at this. "She's done thinking about coming home. You know, I've talked to her about this. Asked her what is wrong and such. She asked for my opinion two days ago. I told her that she should go home. After all, she still has family and I'm sure they are waiting for her, right? So, I tell her if you love them, you should go back. I think she had enough thinking. You can find her at my house if you want.", she says to him before she goes back to the counter.

Jungkook takes a moment to understand before he goes to the counter asking if he can see Chaeyoung to Katherine. She laughs and tells him that he does not need her permission for that. She even says to him that he already know where her house is revealing that she knows Jungkook is like a stalker following Chaeyoung from afar.

Jungkook holds himself from blushing before he goes to the queue to order food.

"Flume, give me 2 sandwiches. The chicken teriyaki one.", he makes an order to Harley.

"The usual bread, mate?", Harley asks him.

"The Italian one, Rosie likes that one.", Katherine intervenes.

Jungkook smiles and mouthed a 'thank you' for her suggestion.


Jungkook touched his heart and feels that it is pumping loud as he looks at the house in front of him.

"Okay, stay calm, dear self.", he reminds himself before he takes the Subway paper bag and gets out of the car.

He walks up to the front door and knocks on it twice.

10 seconds passed...20 seconds passed...30 seconds...

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