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Chaeyoung sighs in relief as she finally is done with scheduling meetings for the month for Jungkook. The managing director gave her tons of works as she gets there in the morning. She barely can take a breather because he keeps on calling for her to his office and adds more task for her to do.

When she is stretching her hands, the door of Jungkook's office is opened and he walks out with his phone in hand. He just ends a call with someone from what she saw. "Chaeyoung-ssi, are you done with the scheduling?", he asks her and she nods. "Good, then. Arrange the accommodation for those that is out of Seoul. I want an update after I'm back from lunch.", he tells her before he walks away.

Chaeyoung looks at him until he is gone from her sight. "Tsk!", she utters in annoyance. "Is he the only one who needs lunch? What about me?", she says as she looks at the time on the computer screen.


Jungkook remembers something as he is having his lunch at the cafe. "She will find a way to get her own food.", he says to himself as he recalls what is written in Chaeyoung's resume. "Why do I even remember too much things about her with just her resume?", he sighs at himself.


Chaeyoung is making a drink for herself in the pantry when she hears some noises outside which leads her to think that the other staff are back from their lunch. She pouts as she sits on a stool before drinking the tea she made. "Is it okay if I order in and eats here instead?", she asks herself after she took a sip.

"Maybe I can ask Jieun-ssi first.", she says before taking her phone but remembers that she have not get Jieun's personal phone number.

When she stands up and wants to leave the pantry, she sees Jungkook coming inside making her halts her steps. "Oh, Jungkook-ssi.", she says while bowing slightly at him. "Have you done what I asked you to do?", he asks her right away.

"Yes, I have done it. I can show you..."

"Please have something to eat first. Then, come into my office.", Jungkook cuts her off as he puts a paper bag of food on the table. Right after that, he leaves her alone as she is surprised with him bringing her food for lunch.


Jieun's laugh can be heard even though he does not put the call on loudspeaker making him annoyed with her. "Yah, did I do a funny thing? Why are you laughing like that?", Jungkook asks her.

"It's not funny but it seems unusual so I laughed.", Jieun replies making Jungkook frowns at her response. "You said you want to see her true intention. If you do, then why are you being considerate after you made her work during lunchtime? Buying food for her lunch? Are you trying to make her fall for you?", Jieun adds.

Jungkook quickly shakes his head before saying, "I was just trying to be kind. I mean...I still have humanity. I can't let my staff starving, can I?"

Jieun hums to his words. She tells him that it is good to have humanity but his act of buying lunch for his PA is a bit too much in her opinion. She says that he can just tell her to go and have her lunch even though the lunch hour has ended.

"So, what I did was wrong?", Jungkook asks naively.

"I didn't say it's wrong. But, others might see it wrongly. As I said earlier, are you trying to make her fall for you, Jungkook-ah?", Jieun says to him.

"Jieun-ssi, can you lower down your voice? Others might hear you talking to me this casually, you know.", he replies without answering her question. "Hmm...no one is near here. Plus, you call me with my own phone. I can hide and act as if I'm talking with my boyfriend. They won't bother me.", Jieun tells him.

The young man shakes his head at her for being so laidback with him. There is a part of him feeling regret of calling her just to ask her opinion of what he did to Chaeyoung that day. He might have to find someone else to talk to about Chaeyoung after this.

When Jieun is asking him the same question she asked earlier, his door is knocked and he knows who it is out there. "Jieun-ssi, I have to go. Goodbye.", he says before he hangs up on her. "Please, come in.", he shouts to the door.


Eighteenth chapter ✔

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