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Jungkook is humming to the songs played on the radio when he received a call from Taehyung. He answers the call and hears Taehyung's voice to be panting heavily as if something bad had happened. Both Jungkook and Chaeyoung look at each other wondering what is wrong with him since the call is on loudspeaker.

"Hyung, are you okay?", Jungkook asks.

"Jungkook-ah, your mother. She's...fainted, Kook.", Taehyung says.

"What?! How? Where are you right now, hyung?", Jungkook gets worried as he taps on the GPS controller to find a clear route to where his mother is right now.

After Taehyung tells him the hospital she is admitted to, he ends the call and starts to drive faster than before. Chaeyoung is shocked too with what Taehyung informed about Soyeon but she tries not to overreact to it. When Jungkook tells her he will send her home first, she says that it is okay if he wants to drive straight to the hospital.

"She's more important to you. Just drive to the hospital, okay?", she says. Deep inside her heart, she is hoping that nothing bad is happening to Soyeon and she also wants to see how she is doing at the hospital.


Once the elevator opens, Jungkook runs to where he sees Namjoon and Taehyung are seen talking to each other. He calls Namjoon and Taehyung as he rushes to them before asking about his mother. Chaeyoung who is following Jungkook is left behind a bit far as she knows how worried he is. She is worried too but she cannot react the same way as he is. She will make everyone suspicious of her if she react like him.

"...her kidneys are not functioning anymore, Jungkook. She needs to do a transplant as soon as possible.", those are the words that Chaeyoung caught as she gets closer to them.

Jungkook steps back until he leans on the door behind him, the door of the ward where Soyeon is located in.

Taehyung repeats what Namjoon said to Chaeyoung while Namjoon tries to tell Jungkook to stay calm. "What can I do, hyung? Can I donate my kidney for her?", Jungkook asks as he turns around to see his mother from the small window on the door.

"She told me before this...if she ever need a donor, she doesn't want it from you. She'd rather be in the waiting list instead.", Namjoon says.

"Why? I'm his son, hyung. Doesn't she want me to help her?", Jungkook asks as his tears streaming down to his cheeks.

Namjoon sighs. "Don't you know your mother yet? She's stubborn, Jungkook. I even told her to stop drinking but she began drinking again after your father passed away. I adviced her many times. Stop drinking, take care of her health. I didn't know what else to do. And even if you want to donate your kidney, you have to undergo some evaluation tests to see if your kidney matches, Jungkook. ", he tells the younger man.

Chaeyoung stays behind with Taehyung not wanting to disturb Jungkook with his family doctor. She listens to their conversation as she tries to hold back her tears. She wonders if Soyeon has been having a kidney problem for a long time and recalls the time she saw her almost fainted at the mall.


While Jungkook is inside the ward with his mother, Chaeyoung follows Taehyung to the cafeteria downstairs to get dinner. Taehyung eats there while Chaeyoung just bought take away food since she is still full from the late lunch she ate at Jungkook's grandpa's mansion.

When they are walking back to the ward, Chaeyoung asks Taehyung how long Soyeon has had a kidney problem since he has been working for her for a long time.

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