10.Hives & Hikes

360 52 5

Jason Madison

"I think I am allergic to exercise," I said scratching at the new reddish rash that was forming on my bare arms.

"Oh come on. Mason loved this mountain." He chirped happily clearly missing my distress.

The rash was not my only problem. I was sure I was getting hives on my calves and sheen. And the bugs. Lord, the bugs. They were plenty,  everywhere and noisy. Also mosquitoes. Why Darius and Mason found this relaxing was beyond me. I was a 'nature' man but not this type of nature. The noises were too loud, my skin was breaking out and the smell of damp moss was not at all romantic or in any way pretty.

I stopped moving when I felt a million tiny creepy crawlies actually creep up my skin. Something in my stomach churned. The sun was starting to set and the forest was starting to get dark making it impossible to notice any abnormal insects. Or weird low hanging branches that scraped my face.

"I really think I am allergic to this forest," I said feeling bile rise up my throat.

"Don't be ridiculous there is no such thing." He said cheerily walking up the trail.

"Then explain why..." I didn't get to finish my thoughts as I emptied my stomach by the side of the road.

Darius actually stopped to look at me then. "Wow, you look horrible."

"Yeah, thanks." I droned sarcastically.

"You know I like nature as much as the next guy but this..." I gestured around me vaguely, "this is some killer strain of nature. More like mother natures revenge if you ask me."

"I actually think this is the most you have ever talked in one day," Darius said chuckling.

"Maybe Mason talked a lot to cover up for this devils trail you guys frequented." I groaned spilling more food onto the ground.

"Okay listen we don't have to sleep in the tents tonight. But all you need to do is make it to the cabin. Can you do that for me."

I looked at him from the head to toe then gulped silently swallowing the newly formed bile. 'For me' he said. I would do anything for him.

"Come on, it's just a few more metres."

Yeah right, a few more metres. We actually hiked for like thirty-five more minutes before the cabin became visible in a distance. This whole hiking thing was a bad idea. And I felt it in every muscle of my body.

Darius had come sadness lacing his face and eyes bloodshot three days ago. Talking about how he found this picture in his toolbox at work. Wierd. Anyway, he found a picture from one of his hikes with Mason and all of a sudden he was thinking about 'wonderful' ideas like going to the cabin for the weekend.

In a moment of unparalleled need to be my brother, I had accepted. Worst decision of my life. Now I was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by angry trees and creatures that wanted to execute their revenge. Dressed in Mason's stupid light t-shirt and biker shorts that did not help with the cold evening weather. I had stood in the mirror for two hours trying to decide if dressing like Mason would help or not. And it did for the first ten minutes, Darius had watched me like I was the walking personification of sex. Now that he was treating me like my nature-loving freak of a brother I hated it. This is what I get for being attracted to 'Bear-Grylls' and his call to the wild. I thought sarcastically.

The idea was a good one if I didn't think about the 'nature'. It gave us this separate time to celebrate and not mope around sad in Darius' house. It had almost been a month now since Mason's death. The lump in my throat was getting physically better and the missing part of my soul was also starting to fill up.

I was now at the stage were talking about him did not make me feel like someone was cutting my heart with a chainsaw. It still hurt thinking about him not being around but it did help when you had someone to distract you. And whether Darius knew it or not he was great at distraction.

I collapsed against the cabin. Letting my head rest against the log walls. The whole place had the scent of wood and tree sap. It wasn't a bad smell neither was it good. It was just very very dominant.

I let my eyes close as I ignored the itchy painful reactions on my skin. The sun had officially set now and darkness was all around us. A comforting silence was starting to form as I realised even the begs took quick naps in the night. I let my ears take in the blissful silence as nature quietened down for sleep.

"Hey, Don't fall asleep," Darius said placing a cool hand on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and watched his concerned face. I did not say anything. There wasn't anything to say.

"Do you hear me?" He said placing my arm over his shoulder and hoisting me up.

He carried most of my weight and the backpack I still had strapped to me. Then he helped me get into the cabin.  The cabin was not what I expected. It looked neat and ready for some old lumberjack to move in and stay forever. Everything looked fresh and clean. But I did not miss the cover sheets in the corner that Darius had clearly removed before coming out to get me.

"I am starting to think you were right." He joked helping me into a chair. "Your face actually looks less green now."

I stared at him then proceeded to remove the backpack. My mind was now making calculations if I had not gotten a little sick was Darius going to make us sleep among the trees when there was a perfectly good cabin here?

"I will go crank up the geyser and find the first aid kit. Don't move...wait, no. Just go take a shower and I will treat your wounds after." He said leaving the small room I was in to go outside.

" He said leaving the small room I was in to go outside

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Jason & Darius |Craving Yours| ✔Where stories live. Discover now