26. Law

220 21 0

Darius Dixon

"Why am I here?"  I shouted at the police officer who manhandled me as he shoved me into the holding cell.

"Sir you assaulted Mr McCain that's at least a misdemeanour." Another officer replied with a quiet tone.

"I don't have time for this!" My sister is missing I should be out there searching for her.

"Sir don't worry we are doing everything we can." Another officer replied to me.

"Are you? Because no one has asked me yet what I heard from the other end of the phone call. So, please praytell what exactly are you worthless cops doing to find my sister."

"Darius, maybe you should calm down," Jason said eyeing me with a reprimanding look. 

"Stay out of this Jason! Look officer I need my sister found yesterday. What sort of policemen are you people you are not even doing anything? A little girl is missing and you are all still inside here. The least you could do is go out there and start a search part." 

"Sir with all due respect you don't tell us how to do our jobs." The first officer answered.

"Well someone has to. Because clearly, you are all doing it wrong. My sister could be murdered out there. She is hurt, lonely and scared with a psychotic stranger so what are you doing to find her?"

"Darius ...Maybe you should..."

"Not now Jason! I swear to God if you tell me to calm down one more time someone is leaving this precinct in a body bag."

Jason looked at me with bewildered eyes before turning to the door and leaving. Good. I had enough of his 'helpful' tips. I paced up and down in the small confined space as I watched the police officers mile about. The more I paced the more agitated I felt. My sister was missing. The rug from her last location was drenched in blood. She was probably injured or missing a limb. Maybe if I had answered on the first ring I could have saved her in time. This was all my fault for ignoring her. And all for what a petty fight.

I sat down on the cold hard bench in the corner of the cell. My head was heavy and my eyes were burning from unshed tears. The frustration was getting to me and no one seemed to be doing anything. How could I be in the centre of a police station and still feel like no one was doing anything?

"Mr Dixon?" I looked up to see a pristine stern-looking woman as she peered down at me. " Its time for your arraignment you are lucky you didn't have to wait until tomorrow."

The police officer from before let me out with a displeased grunt and a frown in my direction. My body was exhausted and defeated. My mind was so close to collapsing I didn't know how to move forward. How does one look for a missing sister anyway?

The police officer placed my hands back in the silver cold uncomfortable handcuffs. I spared her a glance as she pushed me towards the exit. My annoyed expression met her bored irritated one for just a second. How could the chief of police waste resources on me when they could be tracking down leads on my missing sister. The police officer murmured something about a public defender and arraignment but my mind was too preoccupied to listen.

The police officer led me through the doors and the first thing I noticed was Jason's slumped form sitting on a bench just outside the interrogation room. Something old and painful flickered in my heart for a second before my mind drifted back to what Olivia could be going through.

Maybe if I retraced her movements by asking all her friends I could figure out where she was and save her. The problem was that Olivia did not tell me about her friends anymore. Ever since she crowned herself an adult she stopped telling me about her friends. Maybe if she did we wouldn't be in this mess.

The arraignment passed by in a blur of law terms and other words. After paying the bail I found myself sitting in a car that felt unnecessarily stuffy and quiet. Jason seemed to to be quieter than usual making the whole ride uncomfortable. I didn't realise I was home until Jason cleared his throat startling me out of my thoughts.

"You can go in I need to make a call," I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I unlocked it ignoring the battery-low warning that was flashing across the screen. Carol answered after the first ring like she had been sitting by the phone all day.


"Did you find her?" She said ignoring my attempt at a greeting.

"No, but I will not rest till I find her, okay?"

"Okay." Her voice sounded small and unsure.

"Hey, stop it. Whatever you are thinking right now. Stop it. We will get her back don't worry." I paused for a brief moment and used the heal of palm to smooth out the pressure that was mounting in the middle of my forehead, " I need you to do something for me. Do you think you can help me?"

"Yes." She said in between sniffles.

"Okay, I need you to give me all the contact details for all of Olivia's friends." I paused to look at my screen as the battery icon flashed again. "Okay text me the details tonight, okay?"


"Okay, Stay strong Carol I will find our sister. And I am here for you so don't worry." I said before hanging up.

What was I going to do now? It's not like I knew how to find Olivia. I slumped against my cars closed door and just sat on the driveway. I let the back of my head rest on the closed-door while I closed my eyes for a few minutes to quell the oncoming headache. The fear deep in my soul was growing like a hungry veld fire and yet my body was too tired to fight it. Something in my gut told me this would not end well.

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