27. Blind

216 26 4

Jason Maddison

Anger was overboiling within me. Darius had pulled the last straw. How could he shout at me like I was the one who had kidnapped his sister? After all, I was just trying to take care of him. All I had done was make him coffee and some food to help him stay replenished why he drowned himself in conspiracies and dead ends. Yet somehow I was smothering him. I glanced at my phone for the umpteenth time in the ten minutes I had been waiting by the slightly chilly roadside. The uber was late. Of course, the one time I needed to flee as fast as possible the car had to be late. 

My ride was slow torturous and felt like nails running on a chalkboard. Whether it was because my mood was already sour or it was the driver who wouldn't stop trying to talk to me I was not sure. The driver stopped in front of an urban apartment complex letting me scurry out of the car with much-needed haste. I practically ran up the stairs to Dae's door.

Odette did not take long to open the door instead she handed me a red liquorice stick from Molly's. Something about that small gesture made me smile as I walked into her unusually messy apartment.

"Whoa, you had a party or something?" I asked as I jumped over furniture and threw myself on her couch.

"Nope," Dae said as she pulled the blanket hanging over her shoulders and sunk next me in the couch gap I left for her. "So what did your boy toy do now."

"I think this thing between me and him will never work, Dae. Maybe we were never meant to be." I said biting into the candy feeling slightly better.

"But what about your chemistry." She answered voice unusually quiet.

"I don't know Dae. Does he even care?"

"Come on Jase you know he does." She said sparing me a glance.

"Yeah, but why am I always the forgiving one. Why am I always the one being wronged?  I am tired Dae."  I said toeing off my shoes and placing my feet on the table.

"Maybe you need to take a break. Do something spontaneous and new. Like dye your hair orange, buy a car, move to a new continent, become a lumberjack or just take a nap?" She said sounding bored and unusually strained.

"Take a nap?"

"Yes. Take a nap then wake up and think of it from his perspective. Sometimes when people are hurting they hurt others too. I am not saying it's okay but it happens all the time."

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her as I looked at her face.


"It's just that the other day you seemed a little off."

She leaned into the couch and wrapped her arms around her bent knees pulling the blanket even tighter around her.


She closed in on herself making ger body look more vulnerable and smaller than she was. I allowed myself to look at her like really look at her. Her eyes were puffy red-rimmed and her face looked pale. She looked like someone with a serious illness. Like she was dying. He skin looked almost paper-thin as the veins under her skin presented themselves as bumps on the surface.

With a rueful smile, she looked at me and said," I am pregnant."

"Con...are we not celebrating?" I asked sitting up straighter because something was definitely wrong.  Dae's eyes were full to the bream with unshed tears and she looked like she was trembling.

"You know how I never thought I would have a baby because of ...my condition." She paused to look up at me. I nodded remembering her telling me of something along the lines of early-onset menopause or something of that sort. " Well, I accidentally got pregnant. I was scared at first because I thought. I am too young for this. But then I got used to it."

I scooched close to her and held her in my arms. She clung to me as she sniffed and breathed heavily.

"And now ... I can't keep it." She whispered.

I tightened my hug a little more to reassure her that I was there for her. "I don't understand."

"The doctor said he needs to run more tests but they might have to abort it or it will kill me."

"The pregnancy?" I asked rubbing her back.

She nodded her head silently.

"I am Sorry Dae. Sorry, I didn't notice something was wrong earlier. Sorry, I can't exactly do anything about this. And I am sorry I wasn't there for you this whole time."

She just burrowed into my arms and sobbed silently instead of replying.

"Hey, Babe I brought your favourite..." Brad said walking into the living room. "Oh, you finally told him."

I looked up at Brad's face and noticed the worry lines that were never there before.

I looked up at Brad's face and noticed the worry lines that were never there before

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