45.New & Old Families

179 18 1

Jason Maddison

I sat down on the edge of the bed and shoved my feet into my worn-out boots. I didn't need to look fancy to go home but Darius thought he needed to look fancy. I watched Darius walk in with an unsettled look on his face.
"Do we really have to do this?" Darius asked as he pushed the knot of his tie all the way up.

"No, you don't have to choke yourself," I said loosening his tie.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"This is the next step, Babe. We eventually have to do it at some point." I said placing both my hands against his cheeks, "Look, We had your sisters here a week ago. Don't you think its time we spoke to my parents?"

"Well Yes, But I am not your mum's favourite person," Darius said looking down at me before looking past my shoulder.

I pulled his face towards me so I could look at his eyes, "I understand your trepidation. But if you apologise my mum will not hold anything against you. It will be the same as dinner with your sisters but with more grown-ups."

"Last time didn't go as planned," Darius asked scuffing the carpet with his foot.

"We made it work, babe. We will make it work. If they don't accept us we can always elope or something." I said pulling his forehead towards my lips.

Darius whispered against my neck, "Okay. Maybe they won't freak out since we are taking the girls."

The ride to my house was quiet. The only person who seemed at ease and chatty was Carol. Which was to be expected she had nothing to worry about. Olivia was silent and just stared out the window without saying much. Darius tried to look calm but the restless bounce of his foot and uncontrolled tapping betrayed him.

The introductions were brief and Carol instantly took to my dad. My dad was happy to indulge her and answer any and all of her questions. He managed to slip in a joke about how he was adopting Olivia and Carol as his grandkids. My mother on the other hand did not look particularly pleased. Especially about Darius' presence. 

"Darius?" My mother said suddenly turning to Darius, "Can I talk to you. In private."

Darius nervously glanced at me before following my mother into the kitchen. I tried to follow them but my dad held my elbow to prevent me from following. How was I to know he was safe there? Alone with my mother. Last time that happened he ended up leaving.

"So ... Are we just going to stand around in the foyer?" Carol asked as she tried to look around the place.

My dad laughed before he gently placed his hand on her head, "Come on I will show you, girls,s around. Jason can help prepare the meal."

I watched them leave before I tiptoed towards the kitchen. I didn't want to alert Darius or my mum about my presence in case they stopped talking, I needed to know what they were talking about. I stood outside the door and listened to their surprisingly calm talk.

"...I understand people grieve differently and it's only been a year since Mason died. Sorry,  that doesn't make sense. What I meant to say was, I was worried. I was worried you were using Jason to get over Mason. And I am guessing you were. Because it didn't seem like you two knew what you were doing." I heard my mum say.

Darius did not reply. He didn't try and defend himself instead all I could hear was a deafening silence on his end.

"...But the way you look at him is different now. I am not happy that it took you breaking his heart to realise that. But I am okay with you two dating if you are not using my son to get over his brother. Do you understand me?"

"I understand," Darius answered voice sounding small and wobbly.

"Good because I have lost one son and I will be damned if I don't protect the only son I have left. And if you ever hurt my son I will make sure you regret everything you think you know." My mother threatened voice rising.

I clutched the door handle. Trying to decide if Darius needed help or not. After all, I thought my mother was scary so having someone else's mother shout at you must be scarier.

"I will do my best not to hurt him, mam," Darius said voice small and low.

"You better! Jason, stop eavesdropping where are your manners!  Make yourself useful and come help me cook!" My mother said with a stern voice.

I jumped at the sound of her voice and pushed the door open with my head hanging shame.  

Dinner ended up being a pleasant event with everyone sharing funny stories that made everyone laugh even Olivia managed to smile three times. Especially after my mom made a show of putting up a picture of Darius and his sisters on the mantel to welcome them to the family.

 Especially after my mom made a show of putting up a picture of Darius and his sisters on the mantel to welcome them to the family

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