20. Dae & Days

254 31 2

Jason Madison

Blinking my eyes open I noticed Dae's shadowy form standing over me. Instead of jumping out of bed and doing whatever utterly ridiculous thing she was no doubt here to make me do, I turned and pulled the covers over my head.

"Oh, come on," She groaned.

I squeezed my eyes shut and willed my body to go back to sleep. After all, what was the point of going into a world that was not made for me? Maybe I should have been the dead one. Mason was always good at ditching me he would have been able to live freely without me or anyone for that matter. Noone that he would have needed to get over.




"Wake up."

I poked my head from under the covers and looked at Dae's chipper looking face again."Yeah, No."

"Come on. You don't even know why I am here."

"I don't need to know. Your face is too smiley for me. And it's too early in the morning to be that happy. Are you even normal."

"Hey dummy, its two-thirty in the afternoon." She said yanking the covers of my body.

"Great its almost night time. I better start my nighttime routine don't want to be late for bedtime."

"Come on Jay. Its been three weeks. How long are you planning to sulk?" She said sitting on the edge of the bed and causing it to dip on her side.

"Four weeks?"

"Come on. Brad and I are taking you out then we are going to meet some friends for a movie after. You like those don't you?"

"Pass," I said pulling Mason's weird black teddy bear to my chest. One of the many things I had placed strategically around my room so I could have conversations with when I needed a twin to brainstorm of off.


"I don't want to go outside, Dae. Nothing good ever happens there."

"Maybe because you never go there with the right people. Come on when was the last time you hung out with me. You at least owe me that. "

"Fine but I will complain the whole time."

"Yeah, sure buddy. Come on go take a shower you reek."

"Thanks," I said rolling my eyes before making my way to the bathroom.

Once I got under the hot spray of water I didn't want to leave. The warmth from the hot water was comforting and the steam billowing around me made me feel more alive than I had in weeks.

The sun was just starting to set and yet the brightness was still blinding. Dae and Brad were standing by Brad's ugly ford with their backs turned to me. Brad had one arm hooked over Dae's shoulders as she leaned into him. Their voices were wafting between them in secretive hushed whispers I couldn't make out from my doorstep.

"Did you tell him?" I heard Brad say the moment I was close enough.

"It's not the right time Brad. He is still waiting on..."

I tripped over a loose cobblestone interrupting them from their conversation.

"Jason," Dae said with a slight smile and a semi threatening look directed at Brad.

"Hey man."

"Hey," I replied to both of them before slipping into the back seat of the car.

The whole day was filled with Brad and Dae's weird secretive routine. And I would have noticed it earlier if I wasn't sulking about my horrible life.

The first thing that happened was small, minor and inconsequential even. I just brushed it off as one of those couple things people do. Dae had ordered fries and some weird fried fish. Brad had acted like she ordered cyanide packed and shipped straight from a serial killer's home. They had whispered to each other in hushed tones until Dae had agreed to add a salad too.

Of course, I didn't exactly notice how weird the whole situation was because there was a couple sitting a few rows behind us and they were smiling at each other like they were the only people in the room. I felt a certain stab of jealousy when the guy even proposed. Of course, this just prodded at my ever-open wound from the whole Darius and Mason thing.

After that was the weird time where we had to stop by the roadside because the food Dae and Brad had fought over was giving her cramps. Brad acted like it was a huge deal while Dae kept shouting at him to relax because it was only a little bit of food poisoning. After all that drama Dae stormed off the road and Brad followed her. I tried to follow too but after seeing them have a moment I decided to sit whatever that was out. 

But that was not the last weird moment. The last weird moment was during the movie. I snuck out to go get more popcorn and stumbled into Dae and Brad looking like they were saying their goodbyes to each other. They were so engrossed in their little hushed whispers and hugs that they didn't notice me.

I was ready to choke it all up to weird romance until Dae actually sobbed and said to Brad, "I have to tell him."


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