39.Flayed Nerves & Car Parts

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Darius Dixon

I woke up to the annoying ring of my alarm clock. I pulled the phone screen towards my face and gazed at it for at least longer than a minute. The sun was just coming up and I could feel a painful creek in my neck. I used my free hand to rub my neck before I checked the time again. Seven o'clock in the morning it had been a long time since I slept properly throughout the night. Especially without waking up at odd intervals from nightmares or mysterious sounds, I thought I heard.

I tried to move my leg and only then did I notice Jason's content face smashed into my crotch. The cheek I could see had visible outlines of my jeans' seams and his hair was pushed up as if he had been rubbing his head all over my legs. That thought shot something warm and fond into my belly.

I accidentally jerked my leg forward and Jason's head lolled forward pressing his lips on the outline of my morning wood. Something deep, warm and sharp ran up my spine as images of what he could be doing skirted about in my mind.

I immediately pushed his head onto the couch and managed to push my body from under him. This was not it. At least not until he explained to me what that cryptic talk we were supposed to have was about. I padded across the living room towards my bathroom, happy to place some distance between us.

My day had surprisingly been uneventful considering the fact that bad things usually happened to me every time something good happened. I shifted my weight from foot to foot wondering if this was where the other shoe was going to drop. With misplaced conviction, I walked into the reception of the large intimidating building. Foc's Law Firm. The tallest building in Burberry and the most prestigious name in the country. Why Jason wanted to meet me here was a mystery in itself and I couldn't help but feel out of place in my t-shirt and jeans among all the suits walking past me. I managed to admire the fact that Jason knew some very impressive people if he knew anyone who worked at Foc's.

"Can I help you?"  the tall stern-looking lady at the reception asked me as she looked at me with a disapproving look.

"Um. I am here to see Jason." I said glancing towards the large metal elevator's. They seemed to 'ding' every few seconds spewing out an attractive overdressed person every few minutes.

"Sorry but I think you have the wrong building." The lady said letting her eyes take in my appearance again. She did not like what she saw, as indicated by the deepening of her frown.

"Oh, um sorry..." I said wiping my sweaty palms against my jeans, "I am supposed to ask for..."

I pulled out the crumpled note from my back pocket and smoothed it put so I could read the name. The paper was smudged with oil and grease because when I wrote down the details I was under a car trying to will away my anxiety and sadness. I managed to make put the name under the smudges just as the lady's frown deepened yet again. "Mr A. Babado."

"Okay. And your name is?"

"Uh. Ja...Darius. Darius Dixon."

The receptionist leaned forward slightly and took in my appearance again before lifting the receiver and placing it against her ear. "Sir. There is a Mr Darius Dixon, here to see you."

I shoved the paper back in my pocket as I tried to figure out what to do with my idle hands.

"Yes sir."The receptionist said before looking at me with a new look In her eyes. Almost as if my status had just changed in the two minutes that she was on the phone. "Last floor," She said pointing at the elevator before smiling at me and adding "Have a good day, Sir."

I stood there for a millisecond too long debating on whether or not I should ask what the office number was. I glanced at the receptionist who was now taping her fingers furiously on an ancient keyboard and walked up to the elevator instead. I pushed the last button and watched the numbers go up until they finally reached twenty-five.

I walked out and immediately realised I had made the right choice but deciding not to ask. There was one office on the whole floor and by the looks of it, this guy had another receptionist up here too.

I walked up to the desk and felt my sag with relief when I saw the desk empty. Talking to yet another stranger was not something I was ready for after the looks I had just received.

I knocked on the large oak door before entering the large, clean office.

Jason immediately gravitated towards me with his new blissful look plastered all over his body."Hey! Darius"

"Hey..." I said glancing at the other stranger who stood in the corner of the room looking amused by the whole situation.

"This is Axel," Jason said rolling his eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Darius," Axel said shaking my hand before turning to Jason with a knowing look. "I will let you guys have your privacy."

Jason looked at me with a smile, " come on sit down with me. Axel has the best view of this city."

I followed Jason's actions and sat on the carpeted floor in front of the panoramic windows. Jason was not lying about the view.

 Jason was not lying about the view

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