My Body, My Choice

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"I think I want to do something kinda different," I said to Destiny, who was wrapping a lock of my light brown hair around the curling iron.

"I'll change it up! Don't you worry!" she said. "So, have you set up your know—"

"Know what? My next doctors' appointment? It's in two weeks. She said she wants to see me more often than she saw Chrys because I'm younger and my body is still developing or something."

"Oh." A hot curl fell in front of my face. She wrapped up another lock. "You're keeping it? Like you're gonna carry it to term?"

"Okay first of all, it's them. Second, are you serious right now?" I asked, much more condescending than needed.

She shrugged. "Look, I know you and your family are super pro-life, but still. I just thought abortion's what you'd be, you know, leaning towards. We're not even sophomores yet. You don't even see Chase every week. You're too young to work almost anywhere. How are you gonna take care of them while Chase is away?"

"Chrys does it!"

"Yeah, but she also graduated. You still have three years of school left! Are you out of your damn mind, girlfriend? Just get an abortion and move on with your life. Be a normal teenager again. For your own sake."

"Are we really going to get into this again?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "I'm not going to debate with you about abortion, Dest."

Another curl fell to my face. She wrapped my hair up again. A little tighter this time.

"You're not worried about Olsanna and the rest of her bitches? They pick on the both of us to no end, you even more than me. It's only going to get worse when they find out you're pregnant."   

"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear you tell me to get rid of my babies because you're worried I'll get bullied even more."

"It's not a ba-by," she mumbled under her breath.

I tried my absolute best to stay calm. I closed my eyes, took a breather, and then said what was on my mind.

"Okay, how about this: you always say that it's 'my body, my choice.' Well, this is my body and my choice to keep what's inside of it. And, of course, give them the cutest nursery ever, plus dress them in the most adorable dresses I can find!"

She laughed as another curl tumbled down the back of my head. "Poppy, Poppy, Poppy. Always having it her way. That's why I love you. Your choice is your choice. If that's what you want to do, then let's do it!" She paused for a second. "And what makes you think they're girls? Don't twin boys run in the Hetcher bloodline of hotness?"

I rubbed my belly, which was still totally flat at this point. "Mother's intuition."

"Speaking of which, when are you gonna tell your mom? Or Chase? Or anybody who isn't me?"  

I shrugged as she put the curling iron down on the vanity to cool. She started to pull some of my curls back, then changed her mind and placed a flower crown on the top of my head. 

"I really don't know how I'm gonna tell my, I can't just go up to her and be like, 'hey, you know how you got pregnant and seventeen with Chrys? And then only a year ago she got pregnant at the same age with Blaze and Ollie? Well, guess what, Mom! I'm pregnant too! And I'm having twins!"

She chuckled. "Well, you could, like, shorten it..."

"How about, hey look Mom, I'm pregnant!" I said in a sing-song kind of way, to the tune of one of our favorite songs.

We both let out gut-busting laughs. Destiny went across the room, then skipped back over with a hand mirror. I placed it behind my head and then looked at myself in the big mirror in front of me.

I let out a long. "Ooo" before saying, "I like it!"

"Thanks. I was thinking of a Greek Goddess kind of thing. Don't know if this even counts as that but...that's what I'm calling it."  

"You really think your parents will let you open your own hair salon instead of running the diner?" I asked.

"It's not up to them. It's up to me."

I giggled. "Well anyway, I should head back and finish my homework for tomorrow."

"Shoot. Me too."

We said our goodbyes and I headed out the front door. It was a semi-quick walk down the street. Destiny's family lived at the front of the neighborhood in one of the bigger houses. The five of us, soon to be seven, were sardined into a townhouse at the back of the neighborhood.

I walked into our crazy house and took off my shoes before entering the jam-packed kitchen. Chrys was huddled over the stove, stirring up a big pot of something. Blaze and Ollie were at the table, wriggling around in their high chairs.

"Mom, move that big thing off there and help me set the table!" Chrys said to my mother, who was rubbing her chin, thinking about something.

"In a second. I've got some big plans in mind for this new addition!" she said.

I walked over to the table to find a big blueprint of our townhouse. There were lines drawn all over the back of it.

"Hey, there's my little one!" Mom said to me. "Destiny did your hair again?"

"Yup. What'cha doing?"

"Well, you know how I had that big interview at work? I got the job! I'm finally getting promoted! And on top of the big raise, I even get bonuses twice a year! So that addition for the back of the house just got a whole lot bigger!" she said. "I'm putting in my two weeks at the prison."

"Awesome! You're doing so good for yourself! In just one year you went from three jobs down to one!" I said.

"Take a look at this," Mom said, pointing at the blueprint. "I was thinking that this room could be my new bedroom, and this new one next to it could be a playroom for the boys."

"Or...that one could also be a bedroom," I said, lowering my voice.

"What do you mean? The plan for the boys' bedroom is to divide Chrys' room into two rooms. They already have their own space."

"No. I'm if we needed an extra bedroom?" 

Her eyes narrowed. "Why would we need an extra bedroom?"

Chrys dropped the spoon she was holding. It clattered onto the stove. The boys hushed at the sudden raise of Mom's voice. I was going to do it. I was really going to say it. Right now. And, as a big smile crept across my face, I didn't even feel nervous.

"We would need an extra bedroom, because, well..." I quickly took the ultrasound picture out of my purse, still grinning ear to ear. "I'm pregnant!"

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