Sweet Sixteen Baby Shower

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My whole life, I grew up knowing I was never going to get a sweet sixteen party. It was just the facts: mom could never afford something like that. Destiny would talk about the plans she had for hers, so I'd talk about them too, while seething in jealousy but trying to be a good, supportive bestie at the same time.

So when Chase told me he was going to rent out a ballroom at the Diamond Platinum for me, it was kind of like a "huh?" moment. I really wanted a baby shower, so I thought we'd just have one at the house like we did for Chrys. But Chase wanted me to celebrate my big birthday at the same time, since it would be tough after I'd already had the baby.

It was the very beginning of December, and just a few days before my party, Doctor Andrews scheduled my c-section for January tenth. I was considered a high-risk pregnancy, so she said it was the safest option.

Mom found me a cute pink maternity party dress from Target's clearance rack. Destiny did my hair in a curly up-do with a tiara. The entire theme of the party was a pastel pink and white Christmas theme.

The tables had centerpieces that were white Christmas trees with pink ornaments, and each table was packed. Since Chase gave us an unlimited budget, Mom invited everyone under the son. Chrys had a table just for her and her friends. Julia and Carlos were there with their girls, and so was Cler.

Mom had Karen and a ton of her work friends. Destiny was at the table with Chase and I, of course. Because it was a kid-friendly event (Chase dropped some big ones on a ball pit) Marisol could bring Isaac. Some of the kids from my grade and the other friends I made at STRONG sat at the other tables.

"Damn girl, look at all those presents!" Destiny said, pointing to the present table.

More people were coming in, placing bags and boxes in front of the table, which was actually two big rectangular tables put together. I specifically asked for gift cards, so we got a card box. It was so full that all the different colored envelopes were sticking out of the slot. A bunch more were piled on the sides.

I don't know what happened, because people were giving me cards and presents. The two tables were so full that presents were starting to pile up in front of the banner on the tablecloth, which said, "Welcome Little Snow Angel." Mom was trying to guilt me into telling her the baby's name for the banner, but I still refused to tell. We didn't have that much longer to wait, anyways.

"Tell me about it! How about throwing some of those my way?" Marisol said, chuckling to herself as she burped Isaac over her shoulder.

"Anything I get that I already have, it's yours," I said.

Her eyes grew a little. I knew she was joking, but now she knew how serious I was. There was no way I'd just return all the extra stuff and not give it to her, somebody who really needed it.

We got served a fancy meal, almost like at a wedding. I chose the chicken because I was craving it super badly. I just ate and enjoyed the time with my friends. I did want to be with Chase, but he understood that I just wanted some girl time with my friends. He was sitting at the table with the rest of the in-cognito famous friends of his.

Then, it was time for cake. Instead of one big one, there were two separate small ones. I had a fun one with pink polka dots that said "Happy Birthday, Snow Queen Poppy." The other cake was white fondant and decorated with pink snowflakes. It had fancy cursive that said, like the banner, "Welcome Little Snow Angel."

Chase and I got to cut the first piece of each one. It was almost like a good practice round for our someday-wedding. But once we cut those first pieces, I was done. I was a waddling, pregnant whale on the hunt for sugar. Baby's cake was chocolate, and mine was red velvet. It was everything I needed.

There were so many of us that it would be hard to play regular baby shower games, so Chase went ahead and hired a DJ. I think it may have been the first baby shower in the world that had music and a dance floor. It was all good with me. It really made the whole event more fun.

Chrys's baby shower was sort of...blah. Just sitting around. Of course, I'd never say it to her face, unless we were having some huge arguement and I was out of comebacks. But just comparing the two, I was pretty sure Chrys understood her baby shower had nothing on mine.

Once we were done eating cake, it was time to dance. I made sure to rest my feet all weekend. My back was hurting, but I was hoping that loosening it up one the dance floor would help. I did the best a girl whose eight months pregnant could do. I was slaying so hard that I was sweating. I never really liked to stop once I started dancing.

Everyone was so happy, having such a great time. Julia and Chrys were busy watching their kids in the ballpit. Destiny was trying to out-terk me. Fun fact: even though I was a super whale, she still could't. Marisol spun around with a giggling Isaac on her hip.

Finally, when we were running out of time and there was only a few songs left, Chrys was freed up to dance. Her friends joined my friends and we formed a big circle.

"Hey, isn't this nuts?" I yelled out to Chrys over the music.


"Everything! Our lives got so much better. This is literally the most perfect birthday party I've ever had! It's like, the story of the past year has been so amazing! This is the perfect way to close out everything before next year starts."

"I was saying 'what' because I can barely hear you!" Chrys said. "But when it comes to stories, last time I checked, you're still pregnant. Take it from somebody who knows: whatever story you're talking about is far from over!" 

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