Not So Picture-Perfect

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A lot of things in my pregnancy were amazing, and a load of them were not so great. I still wanted things to feel as normal as they could, even though a lot of days it felt like my brain was turned into scrambled eggs from the thought of losing one baby and the other having special needs.

But today, I was thinking about any of that. Good vibes were the only things allowed in the Diamond Platinum Resort, where Chase and I were all set to take some super cute maternity photos. Nothing was going to ruin any of it.

Chase was waiting for me in the lobby, dressed in his usual disguise. The fireplace was on and the flame crackled in the background. Everything was decorated for Christmas. There were big beautiful trees everywhere, each full of different ornaments.

Chase was sitting there talking to a woman holding a camera. Chrys met a local photographer from the boys' daycare. She was the grandmother of one of the kids there, but she sure didn't look like it. She only looked a few years older than Mom.

"Ah, there she is!" Chase said as I waddled over.

He scooted over on the leather couch so I could sit, but I shook my head.

"If I sit down, I won't want to get up," I said.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Poppy," said the woman. "I'm Stacey Pye, from Slice of Life Photography."

"I can't get over what a great name that is!" Chase said, chuckling to himself.

"Nice to meet you," I said to Stacey. "Thanks for being willing to photograph someone whose...not just a regular person." I motioned towards Chase. "And for willing to do photos for of the places I called didn't want to do our maternity shoot because we were so young."

"Psh. Some people are so stuck up. Like I said on the phone, one of my daughters is a teen parent. It's not a big scary thing. Life happens," Stacey said. "So, are we ready? I picked out some great spots where we can go!"

"Let's do it!" Chase said, springing to his feet.

This was a public place, but I refused to have photos of Chase in a baseball cap and brunette wig. The plan was for him to take off his disguise and hope for the best. The Diamond Platinum was one of the fanciest places in town, where wedding parties and business people stayed.

Most people who would recognize Chase were teens like myself. I was banking on being in the clear for at least most of the photoshoot.

First, we did some pictures in front of the big Christmas trees that were in the indoor courtyard. We did all kinds of poses, like kissing each other and Chase standing behind me with his fingers making a heart shape over my belly.

We did multiple outfit changes throughout the shoot. We started in Christmas outfits, then went outside in our boots and fancy coats to take pictures in the snow. We posed with mugs of fake hot cocoa that Stacey brought, which had cotton balls for marshmallows.

We wanted to take some normal pictures as well, which was our final outfit change. We were both dressed in white shirts and black pants. I got this perfectly cute ribbon to put around my belly. My favorite picture was the one with that yellow bow and Chase holding onto my exposed baby bump.

"Oh, you guys are just too cute!" Stacey said. "Let's take a few more on the balcony and then we'll be all wrapped up here."

"Great. I can smell brunch from the restaurant around the corner and I need it like, right now," I said.

I lowered my shirt and held Chase's hand as we walked around the corner and down the hall to the second courtyard, which had a big lighted fountain and a big balcony that overlooked all of it.

When we walked into the big open area, I could see camera flashes that were coming from the balcony.

"What the hell is this? We literally had this reserved for us!" I said.

"How about Stacey and I go take a look and see who's taking photos up there?" Chase asked.

"No way! This is my photoshoot that we reserved. I'm going up there myself to give whoever is stealing our spot a piece of my pregnant and raging mind!" I said.

I waddled my chunky self right over to the elevator. Chase and Stacey got on with me, not saying a word. We rode up three floors, the elevator dinged, and the door opened. Then, my perfect photoshoot that I worked so hard to plan was completely ruined.

"What in the world? Stop it! Just stop this whole thing!" I said.

Chase stepped out of the elevator, totally frozen because of what he was seeing. I pinched myself. This whole thing felt like a messed up dream. Like...there was no way. There was just no way I was actually seeing what I was seeing on that balcony.

There was a sign propped up in-between the couple who were kissing away as the photographer snapped photos. The sign read: Baby on Board! and had a date for this summer.

They finished their kiss and looked our way, both grinning this gross, evil grins that only people as terrible as them could make.

"Hey googley-eye. Long time no see," said Olsanna.

Chase took a few wheezing breaths and let out a few shaky words. "J-Jace, you can't be serious?"

"Oh, I'm serious, bro," he said, taking ahold of Olsanna's itty-bitty baby bump that stuck out of her pastel-blue dress. "You jealous? You're having a kid with some poor nobody, and I'm having a baby with a smoking hot model!"


Whoa! That's some plot twist, am I right? But it doesn't matter what I think. I want to know what YOU all think! 

How do you feel about this plot twist? Did you LIKE or DISLIKE it? Whatever you comment will determine the next chapter and what happens with this particular twist! 

Like: I will run with this plot twist and tie it into the rest of the story. 

Dislike: I can make it like this never even happened. 

Help a girl out because I can't decide!

Also, new story coming in November. More details to be released over time.  

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