Something's Wrong

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The hallway was packed before homeroom. Destiny was talking with me while I opened up my backpack and started pouring textbooks in. Like Chrys, I was in mostly advanced classes.

With my locker at the end of the universe in the freshman hallway, I only had enough time to stop by and load up once a day, which was before homeroom.

It was a pain, but I knew my mom and sister were proud that I was doing so well in school.

"Look at all these stupid books! I'm pregnant! I shouldn't have to carry all these!" I said, lugging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Shh! Lower your voice, drama queen. Someone's gonna hear!" Destiny said.

I looked left, then right, and took a shaky step back. Vicky and Veronica, two-thirds of our favorite bullying trio, were coming this way.

A hand crashed into the locker behind me. I looked up, trapped between Olsanna, the ringleader, and the locker.

"Hey, googley-eye, whacha' up to?" she said in her thick, Russian accent.

Olsanna was a six-foot, platinum-blonde supermodel from Moscow. Her and her filthy-rich family moved here since we were closer to New York City, where she had a lot of her gigs.

"Come on, you blonde bitch! Leave her alone! The girl can't help that she's got a lazy eye!"

Destiny said. She was always trying to be a hero. What she didn't realize, was that while she was trying to rescue me from Olsanna's wrath, Vicky and Veronica were tying up her long braids into knots. It was their usual trick.

"How about I let you off the hook when you hand over my lunch money?" Olsanna asked.

"You have money coming out your ass! You don't need my three bucks," I said.

"It's not about a need, it's about a want. And trust me, I get what I want, or else." She smirked. "Hand it over."

Truth was, I had Mom switch all my money over to a pin-activated account so Olsanna could stop robbing me.

What Mom didn't know, was that I snuck a bunch of my babysitting money with me to get ice cream, when Olsanna didn't steal it. If I handed her money, she left me alone.

But today, I had a massive ice cream craving. I was taking a stand. There was no way she was denying this crazy pregnant girl of her dark chocolate fudgie bar.

"Not happening. Get lost," I said.

"You're fiesty." She slammed the locker again and leaned in closer. "Hand me the cash, googley-eye."

Something in me snapped and I just...pushed her. It wasn't too hard, just enough to get her off of me. What I should've expected, that I didn't, was that she would push me back.

I slammed against the locker so hard that my legs gave out and I was sitting on the floor.

I looked up and saw one of the adult hall monitors nearby. She watched as Olsanna walked off, then looked at me and shrugged.

Olsanna's dad always handed out money to the principal so she could do whatever she wanted and not get in trouble.

Destiny helped me up and the day went on as usual. Being in advanced classes had its perks, because Destiny and I were together all the time and Olsanna was nowhere to be found.

Things didn't start to feel out of whack until lunchtime. Halfway through my dark chocolate fudgie bar, I started having some cramps. I brushed it off. I was pregnant with twins. My body was going to do all kinds of weird things.

Only, those things got worse. I went to the bathroom before marching band practice after school and noticed I was spotting. I figured it was normal implantation bleeding during early pregnancy. Good thing I still had extra tampons laying around.

But the extra tampon couldn't save me from my cramps, which got worse throughout practice.

When I got home, everything was normal. I took some pregnancy-approved pain relievers and ate dinner, then took some great photos of the boys for my social media. After dinner and picture time with the boys, it was finally homework time.

Before hitting the books, I went to the bathroom. My bleeding was a lot worse. I thought it would slow down while I studied for my history test the next day, but it didn't. I was getting more and more panicked by the minute as time went on.

Finally, around nine, I caved. I had to so something. I didn't think I could sleep knowing there was any chance something could be wrong with my babies.

I searched my phone and found the emergency 24-hour nurses' line for my OBGYN. I called it. It rang a few times, then a voice came on the other line.

"Hello, this is the nurses' line," said a lady with a flat tone.

"Yeah, name is Poppy Everston. I'm six weeks pregnant with twins and concerned because I'm having a lot of cramps and bleeding." There was no response. "Hello?"

"Can you be a little more specific, Poppy? When did this all start?"

"Well, the cramps started around lunchtime when I was at around eleven. Then I started spotting a little during last period, which was around two. My cramps got worse after school, and for like the past hour I've been bleeding a lot worse. Can I see Doctor Andrews tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? No, that won't do. This sounds serious. You should go to the hospital immediately."

I almost dropped the phone. "What? The hospital? I hate hospitals! I really can't just see my doctor like, first-thing tomorrow morning?"

"No, sweetheart, please don't wait. This is really concerning. Is there someone who can drive you to the hospital? I'll call you an Uber myself, if need be."

I swallowed hard. "No...that's okay. I...I'll go wake my mom up."

"Okay, honey. Just stay calm. Take care now."

She hung up and I took a few nervous steps to the little bedroom we shared. It was only nine, but the light was off. Mom always worked the opening shift and had to be up by four. I tiptoed over to her bed.

"Mom." No answer. She pulled the blanket over her head. "Mom!"

"What Poppy? What do you want?" she whined.

"I think I need to go to the hospital."

She shot up immediately and turned on the lamp next to her. "You? You can't stand hospitals? What's wrong?"

"Olsanna pushed me into a locker this morning. I've had bad cramps since lunch and then I started bleeding a little and after dinner it got really bad, like when I have my period," I said. "I called the nurses's hotline from Doctor Andrews' office and the lady said I should go to the hospital."

Mom's face twisted up in horror, but she calmed herself down instantly, reaching up and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sure everything's fine. I know this is really scary, but everything will be fine."

"You sure you want to take me? I could call an Uber so you can get enough sleep for work tommorrow."

"Are you kidding me? You're my daughter whose carrying my gandbabies! Just get your coat on and we'll go."

Mom brushed her messy hair while I searched around for my favorite sweatshirt. I sent a quick text to Chase and we went downstairs so we could explain the situation to Chrys, who was watching TV on the couch while feeding Ollie. Blaze was sound asleep in his swing.

We got in the car and were off, much faster than Mom normally drove. My whole body was shaking. After what happened when I was little, I never wanted to go to a hospital ever again.

I rubbed my flat stomach. But I could suck it up. I could always suck it up, for them.

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