Happy Halloween, Pregnant Teen

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"Look at us, gonna get our Halloween party on!" Destiny said, using my full-length mirror to fix her makeup.

"Yes. I need to get out and have some fun," I said.

It was that time of the year again. The air was cool, all the leaves were already off the trees, and it was Halloween Night. That meant it was time for the big annual party at the Hetcher mansion.

We'd picked out the cutest bestie costume months ago. Destiny and I were going as two halves of an avocado. I was going to be the half with the pit, which my bump was perfect for. I invited Marisol, but she had no one to watch Isaac, so she couldn't come.

"Oh, look at those two avocados!" Mom said, barging in and taking a few pictures.

"There's this amazing thing called knocking, you know," I said, tapping my foot on the carpet.

"Calm down, you drama momma. Your door was half-open, anyway," Mom said.

"Hey, she's got a point," Destiny said.

"Hey, whose side are you on?" I asked.

"Just get close together so I can take some nice photos! You both look so cute!" Mom said.

She took photos on her phone, then mine, then Destiny's. We grabbed pillowcases on the way out, so this time we'd be prepared. I was craving pizza and chocolate bars. Together, because I was pregnant and insane.

"You really sure you're not coming?" I asked Chrys when we got to the living room.

Blaze was in her lap, chomping on a ring of plastic keys.

"I already told you, I can't. On top of this essay due at midnight, I can't leave Mom to take care of the boys alone when they're up crying because they're teething and she has to be at work early tomorrow."

I pouted, but I understood. That's why no matter what, I was going to have the best time possible at this party. Who knows when I'd be able to go to a big party again after my little girl was born? Not for a long, long time.

"Hey, just be careful after what happened last year. We don't need any more accidents...or arrests," Mom said.

"Don't worry, Jen. I'll be guarding the other half of this avocado with my life," Destiny said before checking her phone. "Sweet! Uber's here."

"Bye! Have fun! Don't be out too late!" Mom yelled as we ran out the door.

We got in the Uber and were dropped off right in front of the open gate of the Hetcher mansion. There was already a big crowd of people sitting around the fountain who were smoking and vaping, each with a plastic cup or bottle in their hands.

"Get behind me," Destiny said.

I was already protectively holding my bump. We made our way through the unlocked front doors. There was a big cloud of fog as soon as we walked in, so thick that we were both coughing. I didn't know if it was from a machine or smoke or what—whatever it was, it wreaked.

"The kitchen! The kitchen!" I yelled over the noise.

Destiny was pushing and shoving everyone around us to clear a path. It was both funny and a little scary at the same time. One drunk girl she pushed lost her balance and ended up on the floor.

"Move it! Avocado with precious cargo coming through!" she said as she kept shoving.

Damn. This is even more crowded than last year.

We got to the kitchen, and I immediately started crying as soon as I saw the counter full of empty pizza boxes. Pregnancy emotions were the worst. I was leaning over on the counter on my elbows, sobbing uncontrollably.

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