You're Going to be a Daddy

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I didn't think it was possible for my life to fall apart any more than it already was, but somehow it happened. A panic attack was overtaking me. I hugged myself and tried to catch my breath as Chase hugged me.

My heart was going out of control. My body wouldn't stop shaking. This one attack felt so much worse than all the rest. It had been so long since someone I knew passed away. This was why I hated hospitals.

Joy and my mom were trying to say something to me, but all the noise was cancelled out by my own sobs.

How could I lose one of my babies? How?

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here," Chase said, kissing the top of my head.

My panic attack reached its peak, and now I was coming down from it. Mom sat back down in the chair next to my bed. Joy left and the doctor from earlier came in. There was one burning question on my mind:

"Could this have happened because of an injury?" I asked.

"What injury?" Mom asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Was it those girls again?"

"Well, it's not uncommon for some type of trauma to cause a misscarriage," the doctor said, looking through his clipboard. "But it says here that you were examined and didn't have any injuries."

Chase stepped back, his face in pure awe. He rested his hands on his head.

"This is so much to process," he said.

"Can you tell me more about what you experienced?" the doctor asked.

"I got pushed into a locker this morning," I said.

"As in, the front of you? Where your abdomen would've hit the locker?"

"No." I shook my head. "It was my back. Well, my backpack hit the locker."

"I see. To be honest, it's an unfortunate coincidence. Your abdomen would've needed to have sustained severe trauma, such as getting punched extremely hard or if you fell down a flight of stairs. So remember to be extremely careful."

He advised us to set up an appointment with Doctor Andrews ASAP, then left. All those hours of waiting just to be told I'd lost my baby and have the doctor leave ten minutes later.

"I'm going to call Chrys. I think you two need some time to talk," Mom said before stepping into the hall.

I locked eyes with Chase. The first person to ever tell me I was beautiful. The first person to show me affection I'd never known before. I couldn't believe he came all the way up here just because I went to the ER.

"I can't believe this is happening. I had no idea," Chase said. "When were you going to tell me?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know when or how. I didn't know how you'd take it."

He ran his hand through his silky blond hair. "Well...I'm shocked, seriously. We always used protection."

Should I tell him his brother is a condom-poker? No way. Not right now. Not while I was still shaking and trying to get my head together over the loss of my baby.

"Something must've happened that we didn't notice. I don't know." I could see that this wasn't going well. Chase was staring at the floor. "Are you mad?"

"Are you kidding?" There it was. That bright smile I loved more than anything. "I love taking care of Blaze and Oliver so much...I can't even imagine how awesome it'll be taking care of my own baby!"    

My eyes were filling up with tears. "It should've been babies. They were identical twins."

Chase brought me to his chest. "I know, Poppy, but that wasn't in the cards for us right now."

"I wanted to dress them up in matching outfits so bad...I thought about all the color schemes I'd do for their nursery. I just want to go home and have both my babies again!"

"Me too. Me too. But we'll be the best parents possible to the one we've got."

"You're going to be a daddy! Can you believe it?"

"It's the best surprise I've had in a long time." Chase brought his lips to mine. We had a long kiss before separating. "It's not something I anticipated, but we can work out the logistics later. I think you should get home, first."

"Yes, please."

Chase helped me undress from the gown and get the rest of my clothes back on. I was still sore and cramping. Tomorrow would be a great day to skip school.

We walked down the hallway of the ER, hand-in-hand, then waited by the desk for Mom to sign me out.

"You still look really small. How far along are you?" Chase asked.

"Only six weeks." I rubbed my flat stomach again. "She's got a whole lot more growing to do."

"You think it's a girl? Do you have any idea how common boys are in the Hetcher family?"

"So common that the last one was your great-great-great grandmother?"

"Exactly. It's a boy."

"How about I get this determined once and for all?" I looked over at Mom. "Mom! boy or girl?" 

"Poppy, I'm too tired to think," she said, writing something with the pen that was chained to the counter.

"Oh, come on Miss E. We need to know your guess," Chase said.

"Because I'm always wrong, so whatever I say it'll be the opposite?" she asked.

"Yup!" Chase and I said in unison.

"A baby. I don't want to sway it either way," Mom said. "That's my final answer."

We walked to the entrance, where I gave Chase a hug and a kiss goodbye. He was going to wait for his driver to pick him up and take him to the Hetcher mansion. When I got into our car, I let myself fall apart.

I was trying to be strong for Chase and hold myself together until we left. Now I had to figure out how to move on after losing a baby I never even got the chance to hold.

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