You're Not So Bad

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We got Olsanna a few towels, a blanket, and a change of clothes. The sweat pants she borrowed from Chrys went to her shins. Mom placed a cup of cocoa in front of her on one of our happy snowman placemats.

"Thank you very much," Olsanna said, taking the cup.

"You're gonna have to start from the beginning," I said.

"I can do that," she said, taking a sip, then placing the mug down.

"For starters, who should we call to help you out, honey?" Mom asked.

"There one," she said, hanging her head low. "My grandmother is sick, so my parents had to go back home to Moscow in September. I have so many contracts in the city, so I didn't want to go. Jace offered for me to stay with him in the mansion, so I did."

"Let me take a wild guess. It didn't go well, did it?" Chrys asked.

"Things were okay at first. We shared the bed, I got to eat good food. Then he changed when I told him I was pregnant. That was two weeks after I moved in," she said. "He was like, grossed out by me or something. He didn't want to sleep with me anymore. I went through his phone, which was how I found your address. I also found out he was talking to other girls."

"Oh of course he was," Chrys said. "Why am I not surprised?"

"But you guys seemed like you were happy when you were at the Diamond Platinum," I said.

"Because he was finally giving me attention," Olsanna said. "After we fought because of what I saw on his phone, I said I didn't want to be with him anymore. Not even in the same house. But he begged me to stay, even if it was in the guest room above the poolhouse. So I moved my things out there. But he had a key and he'd keep locking me in. And I was pregnant. I wasn't going to jump out a second floor window."

"I was wondering why your bump was gone," I said.

"Please do not feel bad. I have PCOS and Endometriosis. They said it was a miracle how I got pregnant in the first place. I knew from the beginning that I most likely wasn't going to carry them to term," she said, taking another sip of cocoa.

"Losing a baby sucks," I said. "I know how that feels."

"Sorry I shoved you. I know I didn't show it, but I felt guilty ever since then."

"They said it was unrelated. Water under the bridge now," I said.

"Oh, I'm glad...I guess," she said, giving me a half-smile.

"Jace didn't hurt you though, did he, sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Not physically, for the most part," Olsanna said.

"Why do you mean, 'for the most part?'" Chrys asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"He was not happy when I lost the babies. That was the day after I saw you, Poppy," she said. "He wanted to get me pregnant again, as soon as possible. At first I didn't mind because there was finally someone giving me attention. He'd only let me out for school or when I had to go to the city for a gig. I couldn't see my friends, and I miss my family so much.

"But I tried to tell him that the first time was a miracle. It was a fluke. I could not make that happen again, but he was so insistent. It turned into two, then three and four times a day, even when I didn't want to."

"Oh, we're sending his ass to jail!" I said, getting to my feet. "And I don't even like you, but I can't let this go!"

"Poppy, sit down," Chrys said.

"No! I can't!" I said.

"I don't want to press charges. I just want to go home to my family. I love to model, but I don't even care anymore. I can find a job in Moscow," she said, wiping her tears.

I lowered myself back into the chair. "Why would you not want him to rot in prison? All you'd have to do is tell the cops your story, and they'd lock him up for good!"

"Poppy, it's not that easy," Mom said, opening the oven and taking the chicken out. She rested the pan on top of the stove. "Take it from someone who knows all too well about these things. The police need more than a story. They need concrete evidence, like texts or a recording, or records if someone went to the hospital."

"Or a confession," I said, curling my fingers into fists. "I'll bet I can make that little prick confess."

"I don't need you to," Olsanna said.

"Then what do you need? What can we do to help?" Mom asked.

"Make sure Jace doesn't know I'm here," Olsanna said. "If I could use a phone charger, that would be good, so I can call my family and get a flight home. Then I just need to find a place to go until my flight."

"Well it's a good thing we have this nice big house!" Mom said.

"Mom...wait," I said. "We don't have a bed in the guest room yet!"

"No, but somebody had a trundle that she always uses when Destiny stays over," she said.

I crossed my arms. "You guys are lucky that I'm in a giving mood because it's Christmas," I said, looking back to Olsanna. "So, how did you manage to get out, anyway?"

"He was distracted with his family coming over, I guess. He had to cut what he was doing with me short because his parents were calling his phone. He put on his clothes and ran out without locking the door" she said. "As soon as he left I grabbed my phone and entered your GPS, then I ran out. I didn't want to waste time in case he got back. I just ran out without any of my winter clothes."

"You poor thing!" Mom said, giving me a hug. "You must've ran over five miles! We live so much further from the Hetchers than we used to."

"You're talking like that's a bad thing," Chrys said, getting to her feet. "I'm gonna grab a laptop and find a lawyer so that Jace never sees the boys again."

"Stop, not now!" Mom said. "What we all really need to do, is eat. A good meal will get us all back on track."

"That sounds terrific," Olsanna said.

"Same. I'm starving."

Chrys got the boys all set up in their high chairs. I helped Mom get all the plates set up and poured drinks. Mom's stuffed chicken turned out pretty good. The scalloped potatoes looked even better. Baby and I were ready to dive in.

We all sat together and clinked our glasses, then ate. I never thought in my entire life that I'd be able to have a meal across from my bully, and that any of it would be enjoyable. There had to be a first time for everything, I guess. 

Drama Momma (Surprisingly Perfect Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt