All His Fault

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I went home and went straight to bed. I was out like a light. I woke up every few hours, sobbing and trying to think about how I was going to move on. All I wanted was to be cuddling on Chase's chest. Hugsley the bear would have to do.

I didn't get out of bed the next day. Like, at all. I found comfort in the internet and the many websites on how to deal with miscarriages. It was like a different feeling hit me every hour. First I was numb, then I was crying, then I was angry, then I just wanted to move on.

Destiny texted me a lot, but I didn't feel like answering. I wasn't just having a moment. I was having an entire plethora of moments all strung together, and those strings formed into a giant ball of misery.

That ball of misery was me, in my bed, all alone with the curtains drawn. Until the door opened.

"You growing mushrooms in here?" Chrys said, waltzing in and opening my curtains up. "Just because you love your vampire show doesn't mean you actually are one."

I crawled under my blankets and said, "Go away."

"I know it's hard, Poppy, but I don't think laying here in the dark on your phone all day is going to help. I was going to take the boys to the park. Why don't you come with me?"

"Must be nice," I said.


"Must be nice, being able to take both of your babies to the park. How does it feel that both of yours lived and only one of mine did?" I asked.

She was being so cocky. Didn't she realize I just lost one of my babies last night? I know she was only trying to be the loving big sister she always was, but in that moment it felt like she was throwing her babies in my face.

"Poppy, this has nothing to do with that."

"If there's a baby involved, it has something to do with it."

"Okay, fine, be stubborn." I watched as she opened the window. "But at least get some fresh air."

She walked out of the room and I picked my phone back up, just mindlessly scrolling through the same social media stories I'd seen ten minutes ago. There was nothing new because everyone was at school today.

I spent the day talking with Chase the best I could. He was super busy at the studio. They were gearing up for the season finale of A Castle of Shadows. As much as I begged him for spoilers, he would never tell me what was going to happen that season. I had to wait until it aired.

He sent me a cute selfie of him in his Beau costume holding the little baby girl that was playing his supposed (the plot line got really complicated last season) daughter, Dianna. If he was that great of a dad in the show, I was so excited to see what he'd be like with his actual baby in real life.

He knew how much I loved his photos from the set, so he kept sending them. It made me perk up enough to want to eat something. I went downstairs and found a thing of frozen mac and cheese.

I leaned over the counter and watched it slowly turn in the microwave. It was already dinnertime. This is the laziest I've ever been in my whole life.

The microwave beeped and I took my food out. Right when I was about to sit down at the table, the doorbell rang.

Ugh. Why?

I went around the corner to the stairwell so I could peek out the window. There was an all-black car in the street that looked super expensive. It was probably the nicest car I'd ever seen in my life. There's no way it could've been those religious people trying to convert us again.

I ran down the stairs and checked the peephole. I jumped away, collected myself, and looked again. Yup, I was seeing who I thought I was seeing. The sunglasses, slicked back hair, and leather jacket were unmistakable.

I watched as he threw a used cigarette into the flowerbed Mom worked on this past weekend. I sighed and cracked the door open, but only a little.

"What do you want, Jace? Chrys isn't here."

"Not looking for her."

"Great. So you can leave."

I went to close the door, but he wrapped his hand around the edge and pulled it all the way open. He was a lot stronger than he looked. Even though they were the same height because they were identical, Chase had a strict workout routine so he could look built playing Beau.

"Listen, I just want to talk," Jace said. "I know what's going on."

I suddenly felt super nauseous. I didn't have time to get to the bathroom. I barfed up what little fluid was in my stomach, straight into the flowerbed. I'd apologize to Mom later for wrecking her pretty purple petunias she was so excited about.

"Gross! Can't you do that somewhere else?" Jace said.

I caught my breath and stood back up straight. "Shut up."

"You gonna let me finish or keep puking your guts out?" I didn't answer. "Chase told me you're pregnant."

"I figured. But what do you want with me?"

"To tell you that I realized I sent that text about the broken condom to the wrong person."

"Well I'm glad you figured it out sooner or later. Did you confess to your brother what you did, you sicko?"

"We can talk about it." He snapped his fingers, and the driver opened the door of the fancy car. "Let's go somewhere and talk."

"Are you nuts? I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"I thought you'd say that. That's why I brought this." He gestured to the car, and I saw the driver pull out a familiar plastic bag.

"Is that?"

"An entire bag of vanilla and chocolate sundae cups. The exact ones Chase told me you told him you were craving."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're lucky that pregnancy cravings are the most powerful thing on earth. Let's go." 

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