Say What?

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"He did what now?"

Mom looked over at me, her foot slamming on the bake as we backed out of the parking lot. "What? What happened?"

"I dunno. Destiny said something about Chase's interview. I need to watch it when I get home."

"Okay. After we get coffee. I need another pick-me-up."

We stopped at the drive thru. Pumpkin spice everything was already back. I could have a decaf latte and a muffin.

The house was free of crying and giggles when we got back. Chrys was at school and the boys were at daycare. I went straight to my bedroom and sat in the rocker across from my fish tank. I already had a special one with a rocking ottoman. All that was left for my room was to find one of the bassinets in Chrys' box mountain.

I turned on my heating pad, put my feet up, and opened my laptop. Okay Chase, let's see what you did now.

I went on The Morning Show website and found the interview immediately. It was the first thing that popped up. I clicked the play button on the still, which was the perfect image of his smiling face.

"And here's everyone's favorite TV vampire, Chase Hetcher!" said Mel, one of the hosts.

Chase walked out, waved to the cheering crowd, and sat down across from the two hosts. The clapping quieted down when he got settled in the big red chair.

"Hello ladies," Chase said, giving them his classic, charming look.

"And hell-o-o to you, Mister Hetcher," said Jade, the other host.

Chase had been on The Morning Show several times, and there was a running gag that Jade, who was in her forties, had a big crush on him. Chase told me it was staged for the audience, of course. If it was real we'd have a problem.

They got started and chatted about his current Castle of Shadows movie that was going to start shooting soon. I skipped forward because I already knew about the movie and the show and whatever famous stuff he was already doing.

Then there was a commercial break, where I was suckered into watching ads about chips and cars because I was too lazy to put my laptop down.

"And now we're back with Hollywood heartthrob and my personal favorite vampire, Chase Hetcher!" Jade said. "So you told us about your new movie, but we were told there's something else you want to tell that true?"

"Yes...I do have an announcement I wanted to make," Chase said, his hands nervously gripping the arms of the big red chair, or ass Jade and Mel called it when cute guys came on, the "Hottie Seat."

"Well let's hear you spill the beans, Mister Hetcher!" Mel said.

"Alrighty then," Chase said, taking a breath. "I'm going to be a dad!"

My stomach dropped. That or the baby was doing cartwheels again. I couldn't tell which it was.

"Chase, you did not just do that!" I yelled out loud to my empty room.

Don't get me wrong. I was totally happy that a whole bunch of people knew. I just really wanted to do our baby announcement with a cute, professionally shot photo...not an early-morning gossip talk show that everyone hated to admit they actually loved.

"What?" both hosts exclaimed at the same time, their mouths forming into a big giant O.

Chase reached into his pocket. The crowd was a mixture of gasps and slow claps. He handed an ultrasound picture over to Mel and Jade. Their hands went over their mouths and they both let out a big "aww!"

"Look at that! It's a baby Hetcher!" Mel said, holding out the photo to show the cheering audience.

The camera zoomed in, and there was my beautiful little baby girl for the whole world to see. I rubbed my belly.

"Your first TV appearance and you're not even here yet," I said to her.

"So Chase, Chase my dear," Mel said, and the crowd quieted down. "This is amazing, but you're only seventeen years old—"

"You're practically a baby yourself!" Jade said, which got big laughs out of the crowd.

"So you're seventeen, you're in TV and movies, you've got so much going on. And now you're having a baby! Are you worried about what people will say, because you're so young?" Mel asked.

His eyes narrowed. "Does age have to matter to be a good father?" There were a lot of cheers and some clapping. "There's lots of people much older than me who are terrible dads."

"Well said. Very well said," Jade said, patting his knee. "So Chase, who's the lucky lady carrying what I'm sure is going to be one handsome little baby! Or a beauty."

"Do you know the gender yet?" asked Mel.

"Absolutely!" His whole face lit up. "We're having a little princess!"

The audience clapped and let out a big "aww!" Mel handed the picture back to Chase, which he kept out in his hands.

"So, back to this lady," Jade said.

"Well I don't want to give away too much, to respect her and her family's privacy."

"Oh, so it's not a celebrity?" Mel asked.

"No, actually. She's a beautiful girl from upstate. I met her through a friend," he said, grinning ear to ear. "She's the love of my life."

"How long have you two been together?" Jade asked.

"Well I hate to break your heart, Jade, but we've had this relationship for about a year now."

Jade covered her ears in the most dramatic fashion I'd ever seen. "I don't want to hear any more! I'm good. Let's change the subject. I can't deal with anymore heartbreak!" The audience laughed. "So let's hear about this baby girl, huh? When is the love of your life due?"

"January twentieth. We're getting kinda close. I can't wait!" he said.

"So how do you think you'll manage your movies and a baby?" Mel asked.

"Plus traveling upstate! Or is she going to move here to the city with you?" Jade asked.

"No, she's still in school. She's going to stay there with her family."

"Still in school? Like high school or like college?" Jade asked.

"H-high school," Chase said nervously.

The crowd let out an "oohh" sound. I sunk into my chair, even though no one was around to see this.

"No no no! Why did you have to say it like that!" I yelled, again, to no one.

"Well regardless, she's one luck girl," Jade said.

"Well we're just about out of time, but Chase," Mel asked, "Will you come back with the baby once she's born? And you'll come with the girl who beat out Jade for your heart?"

"I sure will," he said, nodding. "If she's okay with it. She's never been on TV before."

"Well I hope she'll be okay with it when you come back," Mel said. "Let's give it up for Chase Hetcher!"

The clapping was cut off by the clip finishing. Good thing Destiny overreacted again. Only people who knew me or Chase would know that I was specifically the baby momma after that...thank goodness. I had school on Monday. I didn't need any more stress. 

Drama Momma (Surprisingly Perfect Sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن