I Do

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Everyone stood up as soon as I stepped into the aisle. All those months of planning, and now I was finally here...in front of all the people I grew up with. Even though we practiced a whole bunch, I didn't really know where to look.

Or well, I at least knew not to look at the snobby faces of the many, many rich Hetcher friends. At least, the ones that weren't all the cool celebrities I'd met before. Katherine's friends were the ones with the big jewelry and the floppy hats. Some even had little fans they were waving on themselves.

On the other side were our cousins and family friends. I walked past Destiny's parents and brothers, then Julia, Carlos, and their three kids. They were still living in our old place, but were putting it up for sale soon, now that baby number four was on the way. Next to them were Cler and her boyfriend, Marvin. She had no idea about the surprise fireworks proposal we were helping him plan in July.

The next row of pews was filled by parents who had become friends, all from Daisy's local activity group for kids with disabilities. Of course, all of Daisy's friends were with them. In the next row I saw little Isaac, the love of Daisy's life, sitting with Marisol's boyfriend and his son.

In the very back, trying to stay out of sight, was the famous Russian model Olsanna Vladislova. She sent me a lot of amazing baby gifts as a thank-you for letting her stay with us. I followed her on social media and invited her on a whim. I didn't think she'd actually come out all this way. She was sitting next to her girlfriend, Anna.

I looked up at the altar, and it was so nice not to see Jace up there. He wouldn't be watching the wedding from his prison cell. It's the place you end up after driving with your blood alcohol level three times the legal limit and slamming a car full of prostitutes into a police car. Good thing the boys had Ivan in their lives.

Chase looked handsome as ever in his tux with his hair slicked back. It was my favorite hairstyle for him to have. He was just as emotional as ever, practically breaking into tears the second we made eye contact. He pulled out his pocket square and dabbed at his eyes.

I had to hold it together. Even though my eye makeup was waterproof, there was no way I was going to chance this.

When I got to the altar, the bridesmaids were on the left and the groomsmen on the right. Daisy was sitting down cross-legged, fiddling with the ribbons on her dress. Lily was tugging at Chrys's dress, begging to be picked up while her older sister tried to calmly shush her. Fern had already ran off and was curled into a ball on Mom's lap in the front row of pews.

On the other side, the groomsmen stood nice and still, looking dapper with their light pink corsages. Ollie and Blaze were fidgety, each with their own ring pillow. Ivan picked up Rhody, who looked like he was ready for naptime.

In the front row on the Hetchers' side were Katherine and Tim. Tim was dressed in a grey suit that was similar to Michael's. He seemed happy and content, as usual. We didn't see him much, but like for Ollie and Blaze, he sent Daisy Christmas and birthday gifts that were only addressed from him. I had a theory that the whole thing was in secret and Katherine didn't know about any of those presents.

Katherine had on a flower-print gown, white gloves as usual, and a floppy hat like all her other friends. Expensive crystal jewelry hung around her neck and wrists. She hung her head low when she saw me, but just for a second I could make out a smile under her hat—like she was truly happy to be here but didn't want anyone else to see.

Chase took my hands when I stepped up to the altar. The sunlight coming through the stained glass made a rainbow on his face. I was a shaky mess, and so was he. After all this time, I was finally marrying the love of my life.

"You may now be seated," Karen said into the microphone.

As for Karen, even through all the memes, she pushed through and kept selling houses. Her and Mom still hung around all the time, playing cards and talking about weddings. When Mom told her we were struggling to find an officiant that would do a celebrity wedding, Karen stepped right up to the plate and became ordained.

There was a chorus of creaking pews as everyone took their seat. The noise echoed through the massive ceilings.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Poppy Tulip Everston and Chase Edward Hetcher in marriage," Karen said. "I promised that this would be short and sweet, so we're going to go right into the vows."

She got a lot of laughs, which was what I wanted. While it was important for my wedding to be classy, I didn't want it to be all mushy and serious. Where's the fun in that?

Chase took the notecard Karen handed him, tugged on his tie, cleared his throat, and began.

"Poppy, I knew the first time I saw you that you weren't just any regular person. You wanted to be more than some fan who took a picture with me, then left. You wanted to get to know me for me, not just some guy on a screen.

"You're my rock, and I want you to know that I'll always be yours. You're an amazing mother, an amazing friend, and I can't wait to keep growing together and finding out what you're great at. And maybe, one day, it'll even be cooking!"

That one got big laughs. He never let up on how I couldn't cook to save my life.

"Poppy, each time I'm with you, my love only grows greater. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Chase said, handing his card back to Karen.

"And now, your turn, Poppy," Karen said, handing me my notecard.

I took a deep breath. "Dear Chase, I love you more than anything in this world. You make my life have meaning. You make me feel whole, and complete, and always cared for. But I know that by the time I'm reading this, I wouldn't have eaten all day. So let's get this over with so we can get to the cocktail hour and I can get something to eat."

Everyone erupted in laughter, even from the Hetchers' side.

"Amen to that!" Karen said, taking the notecard back. "Okay, let's bring up our first ring!"

Ollie walked over to Chase, who took the ring off the pillow. Chase tousled his mop of curly hair and whispered, "Thanks, buddy."

"Chase, as you place your ring on Poppy's finger, do you take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do!" Chase said, putting the ring on my finger.

"And our next ring, please," Karen said.

Blaze walked up, and in his usual character, had to do a pose and make everyone laugh. Unlike how we practiced, he got down on one knee and thrust the pillow towards me. I chuckled while shaking my head and took the ring from the pillow.

"And Poppy, as you place your ring on Chase's finger, do you take Chase to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Karen asked.

"Yes! Yes I do!" I said.

"Well, then that settles it," Karen said, closing the book she had on the altar. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Chase, you may kiss your bride!"

Chase dipped me and gave a big, long kiss while everyone cheered and clapped. The photographer, and possibly some paparazzi that slipped in, took a bunch of photos.

"Let's hear it for Mister and Misses Chase and Poppy Hetcher!" Karen said.

Everyone gave us one last big round of applause as we walked down the aisle. I raised my bouquet and high-fived my family members and friends on the way out. The "serious" part of the wedding was over. Once I finished giving Chase the surprise waiting for him in our limo, it was time to party.


This is it, just the epilogue is left for next week! And don't forget the release of my next story, Happily Ever Aster, on November 13th!  

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