Chapter 1

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"Hey guys how are you?" I heard Niall's voice through my phone. He was doing another live on Instagram to promote his newest album. It had come out 2 days ago and I had already memorized all of the lyrics of every song. Oops. Oh god, he was gorgeous. This is the second live he's done this week, he did another one on Monday. In the previous one he invited some fans to join the live video and talked to them for a while, but he only did that with about 5 fans. I hope he does it again today. I know that there is a slim to none chance of him picking me, but still, a girl can dream.

I continue listening to his voice and he's answering some questions from the fans while his album plays in the background. I keep on doing my makeup, I'm almost done. I don't even know why I'm doing my makeup, it's not like I'm going out or anything, but I like being 'dolled up', even if I'm staying at home. It makes me feel as if I had my life together, even though I don't. Has anyone had that same feeling? Or is it just me?

After finishing my makeup I studied my face in the mirror to check for any mistakes, because I always always mess up my mascara, no matter how careful I'm being. And yes, there it was, a smear of mascara right in the middle of my eyelid, wonderful, just wonderful Sofia. I take it off very carefully with a little cotton ball to avoid messing the rest of my makeup. I take one final look at my face in the mirror and I'm happy with the result, I look almost presentable. My almond shaped brown eyes look even bigger with my curled lashes and the mascara. And my soft tan skin looks almost flawless thanks to my foundation and the blush that accentuates my cheekbones.

I put on an outfit, just for the sake of it and now I'm finally ready to start working. Well, not working working, since I won't be paying any attention to my work thanks to Niall's live. But it's okay, I have all day to get my work done. I'm a day trader and a freelance worker, which basically means that I get to work from home or anywhere in the world, and I control my own schedules, which is pretty great. I sit down on my desk and open my computer, but it's only because if my mom walks into my room or something, I can pretend to be working, instead of seeing a live video of one of my favorites celebrities, in hopes that he'll notice me one day. I know, I'm lame.

Niall keeps on talking and talking, basically ignoring every question not made by someone with a verified account, shocker. He's been talking for the past 30 minutes, just telling us about his life, what he's done today and his plans for the weekend.

"What's my favorite vegetable?" Niall talks, after reading through one of the questions I suppose. That was an odd question. I quickly scroll through the comments and see that the question was asked by someone who isn't verified, finally! "Well, my favorite vegetable would have to be potatoes, because you can prepare them in many different ways, including crisps!" He continued, answering the question.

"Which city am I most excited to visit during tour? Umm, that's a tough one. I love every city I visit during my tour..." Media training 101, I think to myself. "But I'm really excited to be visiting new cities to which I have never been to before. For instance, I'm visiting 3 new cities in United States and 2 new places in Mexico as well, so I'm really looking forward to that." Well, at least he knows that he's playing in new places. I was really excited when I found out that Niall was coming to my city, I've been waiting for almost 10 years for him to visit, since his One Direction days. I hate it that when they announce a world tour, but then they only visit the capital cities of each country. I mean, hello, Mexico is pretty big, it's not like in Europe where you can catch a train or drive to the capital and be there in less than 2 or 3 hours. From where I live, it's a 10 hour car drive to get to Mexico City, so that's a no go. I'm so glad that he finally decided to come here, because there is no way my parents were going to help me pay for another trip to go see him to the States.

Back in 2012, my best friends and I were obsessed with One Direction. And when I say obsessed I mean like really obsessed, we tracked their every move, every interview, every show, everything. There was even a time when we would take turns during the night and one of us would stay awake to see if they would tweet or something to wake the others up (when they were in Europe of course, because of the time difference), that's how crazy we were. When they finally announced their first tour, we convinced our parents to let us buy tickets to one of their shows in America, in Texas to be more precise. We told them that we'd try to get VIP tickets and that if we couldn't get them we wouldn't go, it was VIP or nothing. We were such spoiled brats, yes sir, thank god we've changed, well, kinda. So of course our parents gave us permission, they were sure that we weren't going to be able to buy tickets, I mean, there were about 50 VIP tickets per show and there were only 2 shows to which we could go. Our chances were slim. So when I was able to buy the tickets, let's just say that my friends and I weren't the only ones in shock. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was time to go Houston for the concert. My parents were the ones who took us, because they weren't going to leave 3 fifteen year olds go by themselves, and technically it wasn't even legal. We had front row center stage tickets, with soundcheck and meet and greet. First came soundcheck, and there there was the meet and greet, which was pretty quick to be honest and then finally the concert. Niall even gave me his guitar pick during the show. You could say I peaked in life at a pretty early age, I could now die in peace. But anyways, enough reminiscing about the past, now here we are 8 years later, finally getting to see him live in concert in my own city. It's still months away, but at least I have something to look forward to.

"Let's call some fans." Niall suddenly spoke, bringing me back to reality from my own thoughts and memories. Yes, finally, what I'd been waiting for! There were 23,000 people in the live session, there was a very slim chance of getting picked, but still, I had my hopes up, just like every other fan I suppose. The first girl picked up, and shocker, it wasn't me. I was a little disappointed, but there was still a chance. They talked for a few minutes and then he hung up. "Let's call another one, let's see...Alicia." He spoke, yay, again, not me. Why did I have such bad luck? He called three other girls, THREE, and none of them were me. Now my hopes of getting picked were very very low. "I'll do one more." He spoke as he seemed to be scrolling through the list. I just crossed my fingers and closed my eyes, hoping for the best, one last and final time. I suddenly heard a ringing and I opened my eyes and stared at my phone, this couldn't be real right?


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! This is the second fanfic I write, I've been wanting to write it for quite a while now and I've finally got the time to start doing it. I know this chapter was a bit lame and had almost no dialogue, but bear with me, it gets better in the following chapters, I swear!  I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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