Chapter 13

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I loved how happy she looked. Soph had been begging me to come to Disneyland for a week straight now. I had reluctantly disagreed every time, because let's face it, it's difficult to go to Disney and have people recognize you. What I didn't tell Sofia was that every time I told her no, was because I was planning a surprise to take her. I just needed time to get everything figured out. It was really hard coordinating everything, but just sitting here and being able to see just how happy she is, makes it all worth it.

"So, I have the whole day planned already." I spoke as we entered the parking lot.

"Do tell, please." She jumped excitedly in her seat.

"I reserved a private tour, so that we can have access to every single ride without waiting in line."

"Wait, really? Niall, that's so expensive!" Soph told me with a concerned look on her face. It was so cute that she got concerned about little things like this. For me, it was easy to spend this kind of money on someone I care about and to be able to have the greatest day ever with her. It was a little bit expensive, but there are people who spend this kind of money on bags or shoes, while I like to spend it on experiences.

"Don't worry, seriously." I chuckled at her concerned look.

"At least let me pay half of it." She continued.

"What? Of course not! You're crazy! I'm not letting you pay, I planned this surprise for you, so it's my treat and please, don't keep fighting me on this. I'm not budging."

"Okay, thank you Niall. But I'm paying for all the snacks, food and souvenirs. It's the least I could do. And don't fight me on this, I'm not budging." She mocked me as she gave me a smile. God she was gorgeous, and it was a breath of fresh air to finally find someone that wasn't interested in me because of my money and my fame.

"Fine, fine. It's a deal." I extended my hand and we shook on it. I'm not going to argue with her, I want her to have the greatest day of her life. She doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to tell her I like her today. After spending a magical day with her, I'm finally going to tell her how I feel. I've debated with myself a countless amount of times whether I should do it or not, because our friendship is on the line. But I just can't contain my feelings any longer, I just want her to be mine, to be able to kiss her, hold her hand and just spend time with her.

*Sofias's P.O.V.*

We parked in what looked like a private back parking lot. And there was already a guy, who looked about our age, waiting for us.

"Welcome, my name is Troy and I'll be your guide today." He cheerfully spoke as we got out of the car.

"Hello, I'm Niall and this is Sofia." Niall told him with a warm smile in his face and I just stood there smiling like a lunatic. I just couldn't help it, I was so happy.

"Pleasure to meet you. So, the parks don't open to the public for another hour and a half. I know you told me you wanted to take pictures, so now would be the perfect time to do that, we'll have the parks to ourselves practically."

"Oh my god, we'll have the parks to ourselves." I shrieked as I grabbed his arm. "Imagine all the great shots we can get."

"I know, that's why I asked them to let us enter the parks a little earlier. I know you, and I know how much you like taking photos."

"Aw thank you so much." I gave him a quick side hug.

"Anything for you Soph." He smiled at me as we followed our tour guide into a golf kart.

"Why don't we go first to California Adventure and take pictures there for about 30 minutes and then head to Disneyland Park, where you can take pictures with the castle and such. That way we'll be able to go into Galaxy's Edge before anyone else, since that's the most crowded spot of the park. And then later in the evening we can go back to California Adventure." Troy explained to us as he drove us.

"That's perfect. Sounds like a plan." Niall told him before facing me. "Listen, I've got to warn you, even though we have a tour guide that'll take us from place to place and use back doors and stuff like that, there's still going to be people who take photos of us and post them online. I just want to be sure that you'll be okay with that."

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm totally fine with that. I mean yeah, maybe it'll be weird, but that won't stop me from having a great day with you."

"Great, then let's go and have a perfect day." He squeezed my hand. I don't even know when he took my hand, but I liked the feeling of having his hand intwined with mine.

Troy turned out to be a great photographer, we took a bunch of cute pictures. He took pictures, of me by myself, of Niall and I together, and even a few of Niall alone, even though he argued a bit on taking pictures by himself, stating that it was embarrassing for a 26 year old man. They were so cute, I loved them and couldn't wait to post them. The ones by myself at least, I knew that I couldn't post my pictures with Niall, even if we looked cute as f...

After getting the pictures we headed over to Galaxy's Edge and it was beyond amazing, more than I could have ever imagined. It was absolutely fantastic, Niall and I both loved it. And we even got to have a drink inside Oga's Cantina before park opening. When the park officially opened we were practically done with Galaxy's Edge so we headed to Fantasyland. We used back entrances to every single ride, to avoid standing in line and Niall getting mobbed. Afterwards we went to Tomorrowland, one of my favorites, because it has Space Mountain. Again, we used the back entrances to skip the line but we still had to wait a little bit in line, about 1 minute, while the cart arrived and we were able to hop on. And that's when I heard a girl's voice call

"Oh my god, look, it's Niall Horan." I quickly turned to where the voice was, and it was a teen age looking girl telling her friend, or sister or whatever. I nudged Niall, because he had acted as if he hand't heard.

"Niall.." I whispered as I turned back around to face him, not before seeing the girl pull out her phone to start taking pictures or video.

"I know, I know. Just don't turn around." He whispered back at me. "And don't get me wrong, I do love my fans and all, but right now, I just want to spend time with you without being bothered." Niall smiled at me. He was such a cutie.

"Okay, don't worry. I'll keep looking forward."

"Perfect." And 5 seconds later the cart pulled up and we were ready to get on the ride. As soon as it took off, Niall grabbed my hand.

"I'm really sorry about that. I hope you don't mind having your pictures online. Because I'm pretty sure they are being uploaded as we speak."

"It's okay, don't worry. It's not your fault." I reassured him. "I just hope my family doesn't see them, or else I'm a bit screwed, since I was supposed to be in LA with my girl friends." I laughed, kind of joking, but kind of not. What was I going to tell my parents? I made a mental note to call my mom that night and come clean about everything. Or well, maybe tomorrow...


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? Did you like that they went to Disney? Wasn't it cute that Niall organized the whole thing? I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Small Talk (Niall Horan)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara