Chapter 12

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~A week later ~

I had already been here in Los Angeles for 2 weeks, which meant that I had only one week left with Niall before I had to go back home. This past week and a half with Niall has been amazing, we've done lots of things. He took me to the Griffith Observatory, because I told him I'd never been, and it was beyond amazing, the views were breathtaking. He also took me to LACMA late one night to watch the 'Urban Lights' exhibit which I had never seen before. We went to the Broad as well, and he'd never been there before so it was something new for the both of us. And we also went to The Last Bookstore, ever since I saw the instagram pics I knew I had to go. Niall was always in 'disguise' as he liked to call it, to avoid being noticed. Since it was summer, he wore dark sunglasses and a baseball cap everywhere we went, and he kept his clothes simple, as opposed to his usual colorful outfits. We were beyond lucky, no one ever recognized him, but I have to admit, the city wasn't as crowded because it was still early June, so the summer crowds hadn't arrived yet. We had already taken lots of cute pictures, of us together and me by myself, and I must admit, Niall is quite the photographer, he surprised me.

I've been trying to convince Niall to go to Disneyland for a week straight, and every time he'd put it off. I know that Disneyland is a tough place to go when you're 'famous' but it had already been 7 years since I last went to Disneyland and I really wanted to go, but I had no luck, Niall didn't budge.

"Can you pass me the salt?" Niall asked me while having dinner at his place. I, of course, being so into my food, didn't hear him. So he suddenly reached over, his face inches away from mine as he stretched his arm to get the salt. And holy shit, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. This little 'encounters' had been going on for a week now. Either him or I would get a little too close to the other, kind of like teasing each other to see who would cave in first. Or at least that's why I was doing it, to see if I could spark some sort of reaction from the man himself. So far, I had no luck, he hadn't made a move on me. I did catch him checking me out, every now and then, and he'd tell me I looked beautiful or gorgeous when he was taking pictures of me, but nothing beyond that. Well, no, wait, that's not entirely true, I did catch him licking his lips provocatively the other night while we were eating, and I could've sworn he was looking at me, but knowing Niall and his obsession with food, it must've been the food that he was longing for.

"Hey, I have a surprise for you tomorrow." Niall suddenly spoke when we finished eating, with a devilish smile.

"Really? What is it?" My eyes beamed with joy, I loved surprises.

"Oh, I can't tell you. Just be ready at 7."

"That's all you're going to tell me?"

"Yes." He stated with that devilish grin again, he was certainly enjoying this. "Well, I'll tell you one more thing, wear comfortable clothes." He winked at me.

"Okay, okay. Will it be a good surprise or a bad surprise?" I pried, trying to get more information out of him and giving him the puppy look.

"Well, I hope you like it. And don't give me the puppy eyes, you know I can't hold anything back when you do that and I really want to surprise you." He whined.

"Fine, I'll stop." I said as I smiled at him. "We should go to sleep then, I don't know if you're going to be able to resist my charms for much longer." I cockily spoke.

"Yeah, we should. We have to wake up pretty early tomorrow." He smiled at me, with a little hint of mischief on his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he knew something that I didn't and that he was savoring every moment of it.

We finished cleaning the kitchen and then we headed upstairs to sleep. I stopped in front of my closed door and so did Niall.

"Remember, be ready at 7 am." He instructed.

Small Talk (Niall Horan)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα