Chapter 24

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~July 9th ~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

It's already the next day after Niall broke up with me and I'm absolutely crushed. I literally cried myself to sleep last night, thank god I have a room of my own or it would have been really awkward for my little sister. I'm still really mad at Niall for saying the things he said. He basically implied that I was using him to get to Harry, which was totally not the case as I saw Harry as a friend only. And to be honest, I had always had a soft spot for Niall since his One Direction days. He was the one that I fancied, everyone liked Harry more, but not me. So it hurt me even more when he said that I would ditch him to be with Harry. And then when he basically attacked my biggest insecurity by telling me that he was going to go and fool around with all of the models and celebrities and gorgeous girls he always hangs around with. That was the drop that spilled the glass. How could I forgive him after he had broken my heart less than a month into dating? This relationship had no future at all, so I did what any normal human being does, I totally ignored him.

After I was done eating lunch I could hear my phone vibrating, over and over again. I glanced at it and saw that it was Niall calling, but I didn't feel strong enough to answer. I couldn't hear his voice without breaking all over again. He called me 5 times! And then when I didn't answer, he started texting me, which again, I ignored. I hated it, I'm not one that usually ignores people, but I had to do it for my own sanity. It took all of my willpower to not answer his texts, it was absolutely awful. I don't even know what I'm going to do when I get to Houston, because of course, since Vic doesn't know about me and Niall, I can't tell her that I no longer want to go. And I'm stuck being her third wheel for the whole trip, so looking forward to that. *sarcasm*

H: Hey, how are you holding up?

H: I spoke to Niall yesterday and cleared things up. He feels awful btw

S: I'm hanging, and thank you for talking to him.

S: He should feel awful, he really hurt me. And it was all for nothing, because I did nothing wrong

H: I know love, I know

H: Has he called you already? I told him to wait until today so that you could both clear your heads

S: Yeah, he called and texted. But I couldn't bring myself to answer. I still don't know what to do.

H: He really really likes you. And he wants to apologize to you so badly

S: I like him too, but what's going to happen next time he finds out I'm texting a guy? He'll just break up with me again and then go and fool around with all of the girls swooning at his feet

S: That's what he told me he was going to do, and I don't want to stick around to witness it and get my heart broken all over again.

H: Trust me, he didn't mean it. And I know Niall, he's nothing like that. He's never fooled around with anyone just because he feels like it.

S: Even if he didn't mean it, he hurt me. And I don't know if I'm ready to put it behind me and pretend nothing ever happened

H: I know he did. But I still feel like you should talk and clear things up, you both clearly like each other and deserve to be happy together

S: Thanks H. I'll think about it. I think I need more time before I even talk to him. Right now even thinking about him hurts me and makes me cry. Imagine what hearing his voice will do to me.

S: Could you please tell him that? If it's not a lot to ask. Tell him I need time.

H: Sure thing love.

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