Chapter 59

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

The smell of something delicious cooking woke me up from my nap. I tapped the bed, looking for Niall but he wasn't there. I finally opened my eyes and confirmed that in fact, he wasn't in bed with me. I dragged myself out of bed, feeling a lot less tired as I made my way towards the delicious smell.

"It smells delicious." I spoke in a sleepy voice as I made my way towards the kitchen, were I found Niall cooking.

"Perfect timing sleepyhead, I'm just done cooking." He smiled at me as soon as he saw me.

"What did you cook?" I inquired as I made my way to where he was standing.

"I made cordon bleu chicken and roasted vegetables." He proudly said as he moved so that I could take a peek. It looked as delicious as it smelled.

"Wow! I didn't know you could cook this way." I was impressed, he had never cooked for me before and it looked so appetizing. I could get used to the idea of him cooking for me more often.

"Yeah, I had to learn how to cook for meself when I moved out to live on my own." His thick Irish accent sounding so prominent as he spoke. 

"Well, you taught yourself pretty nicely. I can't wait to try it."

"Have a seat then." He instructed as he started plating.

"At least let me get the drinks." I told him. I felt bad for not helping him cook, but I was exhausted from all the flying, I really needed that power nap to be able to function throughout the day.

"Okay, help yourself." He motioned towards the fridge as I went over to open it. He had a lot of different beverages and I was here for it. I snatched one of the Coca Cola's, they are my favorite beverage in the whole world, but I don't drink them regularly since I know they aren't really healthy.

"What will you have baby?" I inquired.

"Can you get me a beer?" 

"Sure." I told him before grabbing one of the many Guinness beers he had in his fridge. We both sat down to eat and holy shit, I was blown away. The food was finger licking delicious.

"Babe, this tastes amazing."

"Thank you." Niall laughed, as his cheeks flushed because of the compliment.

"Guess I won't have to cook anymore, since you're a great chef." I joked.

"Hey, hey, hey. No fair, I love your cooking." He complained, while I laughed. 

"Of course I'm joking. I'm not letting you do all the cooking. Although I wouldn't mind having you cook for me more often." I admitted. 

"Then I'll cook more, anything for you petal."

"Thank you Nialler. Why don't we do it 50/50, after all this is a relationship. I'll cook half of the time and you'll cook the other half."

"Deal." Niall extended his hand out and we shook on it.

A few minutes later Niall spoke again

"So Liam called while you were asleep and asked if we wanted to have dinner with him and Maya tonight."

"Oh I'd love too." I responded excitedly.

"Great, I was hoping you'd say yes, because I already told him we would." Niall laughed.

"Perfect. And what about the other boys?"

"Oh they're still in America. Louis, Eleanor, Harry and Camila get here tomorrow. Zayn and Gigi are getting here on the 30th."

"Oh that's great, so they'll all come to the New Years Eve party then?"

"Yeah. They're all going to be there."

"We're going to have a blast."

"I know."

"Just don't get too drunk please." I spoke making puppy eyes.

"Don't worry I won't get that drunk. I don't want another incident like the one at the Club in New York."

"Yeah me neither." I confessed, I didn't want to relieve that incident in New York, I read a lot of hateful comments about me online the day after that happened. Thankfully, the hate had diminished. After I posted my video explaining that I was one of the girls Niall sang to on stage I expected to receive lots of hate comments. Since I was the first girl he brought on stage in his tour, I was expecting all of his fans to comment mean stuff, but most of the comments were pretty nice. I was quite surprised, in a pleasant way. Most of the comments just spoke about how lucky I was, that Niall was so sweet and that I was really pretty. That had made me feel more comfortable and made me think about the idea of me and Niall announcing to the public that we're together. I'm not quite there yet, but we're getting closer. I've already learned to ignore the hateful comments towards me both by the fans and the media. They all commented about the pictures of us together, the one that little bitch took of us in Monterrey, but at least they didn't know it was me. The media kept referring to me as the 'mystery brunette girl', and continued diminishing me, but I didn't care about that any more, I didn't let it get to me and bring me down.

After spending the whole afternoon just lounging and watching tv in Niall's flat, it was finally time to go to dinner with Liam and Maya.

"You ready babe?" Nialler asked me. 

"Yeah, I just need to put on my boots." I responded as I emerged from the bathroom. It was so cold in London and I wasn't used to it. Niall burst out laughing as soon as he saw me. 

"Why are you wearing so many layers?" He finally managed to speak.

"What? it's freezing cold." I responded as I walked towards him. Or well, tried to walk towards him. I was so bundled up that I could barely move my legs. I was wearing tights underneath my black pants, double socks, a fitted long sleeved tee underneath my light colored sweater, an infinity Burberry scarf  and I held my beige coat in my hand, which went past my knees to keep me warm.

"No it's not that cold." Niall continued as I eyed his outfit. He was wearing black pants too, and only a striped sweater.

"Yes it is. Is that all you're wearing?" I asked when I saw he was barely covered.

"I'm putting on the jacket." He motioned to the one in the bed. It looked so lightweight.

"Okay." I responded, not quite sure that he wasn't going to get cold. I finished zipping up my knee high boots and I was ready to go.

"Let's get going then." Niall spoke as we made our way to the car.

Dinner was great, we had a great time catching up with Liam and Maya. They told us that they've been splitting up their time between the States and London and that they just came back from spending Christmas with Maya's family in the States. And after New Years they were heading up to see Liam's family and spend some time with them. 


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! Thank you so much for all the love you're giving my story! It means a lot to me. Sorry, It's a bit of a filler chapter and a bit short but I was way too tired since I barely slept at all. I promise tomorrow's chapter will be longer. For all the new readers, I update daily! How are you enjoying the story so far? If you have any suggestion about something you'd like me to include be sure to leave it in the comments! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

Small Talk (Niall Horan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz