Chapter 36

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~September 12 ~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall's birthday is tomorrow, and since he planned a surprise trip for me, I decided to do the same for him. He told me he had some interviews and promo scheduled for this week in New York. So I've been talking to his manager, Preston, and arranging a surprise for him. I'm going to come visit him today, or well, tomorrow, since I'm planning on surprising him at 12 am. I remembered that he told me he wanted to go to Hershey, PA so I figured that I'd surprise him in New York and we could take a road trip to Hershey. It's only a two and a half hour drive. As soon as my plane landed I called Preston to let him know I was already here.

"Hi Preston, I've just landed. I should be in the hotel in about three hours." I know it was a lot of time, but I had to go through customs, get my bag, rent the car and then pick up Niall's cake.

"Perfect. I told Niall that he can't go out tonight or anything since he has an interview scheduled very early tomorrow morning."

"Thank you so much. Was he mad?" I inquired.

"Yeah a bit. He doesn't feel like waking up really early and working on his birthday. Good thing it's not true." He laughed.

"Yeah. Thank you so much for everything."

"No problem Sofia. Let me know when you get to the hotel. So that I can get you a key to his room and you can surprise him."

"Will do, bye."


The plane landed at 7 pm and I hurried through customs and baggage claim. I wanted to do everything quickly in case anything went wrong, so I had time to solve it and surprise Niall at 12. After renting the car, I was honestly starving so I headed to a nearby McDonald's to buy dinner. Very fancy, I know. When my tummy was filled I headed to Magnolia Bakery to pick up Niall's cake. I had ordered a double chocolate cake and it looked absolutely delicious. By the time I got to the hotel it was already 10:30 pm, 30 minutes later than I had planned. But I still had an hour and a half to kill. I called Preston.

"Hey, I just got to the hotel. Can I store my things and the cake in your room until it's 12:00 am?"

"Sure, come up. We're on the 15th floor. My room's 1512."

"Perfect, I'm on my way."

As soon as I got to his room, Niall texted me. I had told him that I had a zoom meeting all afternoon and that I wouldn't be able to text him. That way he wouldn't suspect a thing while I was flying to him.

N: Hi babe, how was your meeting?

S: It went great, thank you. How was your day?

N: Pretty boring and exhausting. I had a radio interview in the morning

N: Then had a writing session over zoom, that part wasn't so bad

S: I'm glad. So, what are you going to do for your birthday?

N: Preston just told me that I have an interview at 7 am, so I can't even go out to have drinks or anything. It's a bummer. I felt bad for making him believe that he had to work the following morning, but I hoped me flying in to surprise him would make up for it.

S: Really? That's too bad. Why would they schedule an interview the morning of your birthday?

N: I know right?

S: But look at the bright side, at least I'll get to call you and we can chat for a bit tonight.

N: Yes, I'm really looking forward to that babe

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