Chapter 55

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

"I'm already here." I hear Soph speak through the phone.

"I just got here. Haven't gotten out of the car." I asked as soon as we got to the airport before I even went inside. I could already see a group of fans waiting for me inside.

"You're in the black SUV that just pulled up?"

"Yeah. Are there many fans?"

"Not a lot, probably about 15."


"I've already checked in my luggage, is it okay if I go through security and meet you inside?"

"Sure, of course petal. I'll see you inside."


Soph and I are flying to Guadalajara today, since tomorrow is my concert there. I'm pretty exhausted because after the concert yesterday, Sofia, Vic and Valen came over to my hotel to have a late night dinner with some of the crew. We stayed up 'till nearly 3 in the morning and we had to be at the airport at 10 a.m. We clearly didn't think things through. I offered Soph a ride to the airport, but she insisted that it would be better if we arrived separately to avoid speculation and rumors. Especially after last night, when I brought her up on stage and couldn't resist the urge to kiss her, even if it was only a quick peck, I would take whatever I could get. I was so sure that the bouquet of roses covered our faces and that the crowd wouldn't see us, but apparently I was wrong. The fans did see us, but Soph's dismissing it and telling everyone I kissed her cheek, I don't really know if the fans will buy it to be honest. But it's her decision ultimately, if it were up to me, I would've told the world I was dating the most amazing woman I had ever met a long time ago. 

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I'm already in the VIP lounge waiting for Niall. And it still feels weird even thinking about being in the VIP lounge. Ever since I was little, I have travelled in coach, and buying the cheapest ticket there is, and I still do whenever I buy my own tickets, but since Niall's team bought these ones, we were in first class. This is probably the 4th time in all of my life that I have been inside the VIP lounge in the Monterrey airport, the 3rd one was when Niall flew me out to Disney and the other two when my aunt and uncle used to sneak us in and me and my siblings had to pretend we were their kids.

N: Finished checking in my bags and headed towards security. 

N: I'll be there in less than 10

S: Okay baby

I had woken up extra early today, even though I went to sleep at around 3 in the morning, because I needed to record some TikToks. I first recorded one in which I included the video of when Niall brought me up on stage, and then another one for story time, and I made sure to say that he had kissed my cheek, since I had already seen some videos and tweets speculating that he kissed me in the lips. Which we know he did, but I wasn't about to expose that to the whole world. I decided to finish editing them as I waited for Niall to get here, since there was nothing much to do, the lounge was pretty empty. I only saw an elderly couple when I got in and a guy in a suit walked in a couple of minutes ago. I was so into editing that I nearly jumped out of my seat when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" Niall asked before I nearly had a heart attack. And when he saw how he nearly killed me he burst into laughter.

"Holy shit! You scared me!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face, but still recovering from the death scare.

"Sorry. I thought you noticed when we walked in." He managed to contain his laughter while speaking.

"I didn't." I laughed along. And saw that Preston and a few others from the crew were laughing as well.

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